Webex-Blackboard: Scheduling and Initiating Online Class

Webex-Blackboard: Scheduling and Initiating Online Class

Using the Webex integration in HuskyCT (Blackboard), instructors may schedule and initiate their classes.

This scheduler is not as feature-rich as the one at webex.uconn.edu. However, once you finish scheduling the Meeting here, it will appear at webex.uconn.edu. You may navigate to webex.uconn.edu and Edit the Meeting with all the options available on that site.

Remember to start the Webex session from within the Webex tool link if you would like to have your recordings appear automatically in the tool link.

If you delete your Meeting series from within HuskyCT, the associated recordings will no longer be visible. They will only be available on the main site at uconn-cmr.webex.com.

Scheduling the Meeting (Class)

  1. Log into HuskyCT (Blackboard) and navigate to your course.

  2. Click on the Webex tool link you have created. Next click on the Virtual Meetings tab.

    1. Optional: Learn how to create these tabs at Webex-Blackboard Integration.

  3. Click on New Meeting.

  4. Here you will find a scheduler similar to the one on webex.uconn.edu. Give your new Meeting a name, a start date, a duration, and set the recurrence pattern and end date as well.
    Note: The duration is solely for display on the information page and invite; it does not limit your session time. All sessions have a limit of 24hrs.

  5. Click Create Meeting when you are ready.

  6. Next you will see all of your upcoming Meetings. This includes all the recurrences.

    upcoming meetings

If you would like to invite a guest speaker, please find your Scheduled Meeting (class) at the UConn Webex website and share the meeting information found there with your guest speaker. This guide will show you how to access and share the information: Sharing Webex Information Online.

If you would like to use the preassign breakout rooms feature, you will need to navigate to the UConn Webex website after creating the Meeting on Blackboard. Follow this guide to learn how to pre-assign breakout sessions: Pre-assigning Webex Breakout Sessions.

Initiating the Meeting (Class)

There are multiple ways to begin these Meetings. ITS recommends that you have the Desktop App installed in order to have access to the full suite of Host controls.
If you are teaching in a classroom with video conferencing equipment, you may follow this guide to learn how to connect your Webex call to the classroom: Connecting your Webex Session to a UConn Room - Full Guide.

  1. Recommended: Use the Blackboard Portal

    If you would like your recordings to show automatically in the HuskyCT course, you must initiate the Webex session from the HuskyCT Webex tool link.

    1. Log into HuskyCT (Blackboard) and navigate to your course.

    2. Click on the Webex tool link you have created. Next click on the Virtual Meetings tab.

    3. Click Start on the Meeting (class) that you would like to begin.

  2. Use the Desktop App or the Web App

    1. Beginning a Webex Class

Student Scheduling

The students enrolled in your course are also able to schedule Meetings within this tool. They see the same New Meeting button as the Instructors do.

  • When the student schedules a session, they receive the following email confirmation:

    you are scheduled to host this webex meeting

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