Department Webex Accounts

Department Webex accounts (also known as "shared" or "generic" Webex accounts) are UConn Webex Accounts that are not tied to a NetID. Instead, these accounts have login credentials that are shared among department members.

There are some complexities that arise with the use of a Department account. Please read below before requesting a Department account.


  • Department accounts are functionally equivalent to NetID accounts.

  • All users will sign in with the same email and password instead of using NetID credentials.

    • Only one (1) user needs to sign into this account to initiate the Meeting. Once the Meeting has begun, all other users should join using their personal (NetID) accounts.

    • If another user signs into the same account and joins the same Meeting, they will take the Host role from the department member that joined before them.

  • Accounts can be used by more than 1 user at a time.

  • There is one (1) Personal Room that is shared and can be accessed by all users. If a second user enters the Personal Room while signed into the shared account, the account name will appear twice in the Participants list and both users will be able to participate.

This account may have up to 5 concurrent scheduled sessions. This means you may only schedule up to 5 sessions for one time. It does not matter if you participate in the sessions, the account can only have 5 scheduled sessions concurrently.

Requesting a Department Account

ITS is no longer creating new Webex accounts for departments. Please use your personal account.

Account Email Association

  • You will likely want this address to be your department email address.

  • When you schedule a Meeting, this address will receive a confirmation email.

  • Any address may be used as long as it is not already associated with another department account.

  • This address may be changed at any time by contacting the support below. 

  • If you do not provide an email address, a placeholder (fake) address will be entered instead. This is not a problem per se, but it may confuse the invitee if they try to respond to emailed invites: 

    • Invitees will not know that this email is a placeholder unless they try to send a response to the invite email.

    • If no email address is provided, the placeholder address will be the address that sends invitees the Webex invitation.

    • If an invitee tries to send a response to a Meeting invite that came from a placeholder address, the invitee will receive a notification stating that their response "failed to send" because the placeholder email address does not actually exist.

Accessing Your Department account

You will use a different site from the one you typically use for NetID-tied Webex accounts.

  1. For your Department account, navigate to the Webex login page. 

  2. Click on the blue Sign In button in the top-right corner.

  3. Enter the email address associated with the account and the password that ITS provided to you. 

    1. Alternatively, enter the password that you have set post-account creation.

  4. You can then change your password and PIN. You do not need to inform ITS when you do so.

ITS will not be able to see your custom password but can reset your password for you.

Using Your Department Account

  • Only one (1) user needs to sign into this account to initiate the Meeting. Once the Meeting has begun, all other users may join using their personal (NetID) accounts.

  • If another user signs into the same account and joins the same Meeting, they will automatically become Host.

  • This generic account functions exactly like an account that is tied to a NetID.

  • You may schedule Meetings and use the Personal Room just like you would in your personal Webex account.

  • Recordings will reside in this VTC account rather than your personal, CMR, account.

Additional Support Articles

Department Account Support

For assistance with Webex, contact the Technology Support Center at

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