Webex-Blackboard: Office Hours

Course instructors may use the Integration tool to facilitate their office hours. The Integration tool allows instructors to designate availability for Office Hours; when a time is chosen by a student, it becomes unavailable to other students.

The Student Preview function of HuskyCT (Blackboard) does not work with office hours; you will not be able to see your changes. If you would like to confirm that your changes have applied, ask a student to check, or set your TA (or other associate) to "Student" in the course so they can check.

Set Up

  1. Log in at lms.uconn.edu, and navigate to your course.

  2. Click on the Webex tool link you have created. Next, click on the Office Hours tab.

  3. Choose how long you would like your Meetings to run for. You may also designate a buffer period to ensure you have a free block of time before and after each Meeting.

    1. Ex. You can have every 15 minute period of the day listed for your office hours. However, if you set a 30-minute buffer, a student choosing a 1:00 pm appointment means another student will not be able to book another appointment until at least 1:30 pm.

      example of meeting duration and buffer times
  4. Click on different times to advertise your availability.

  5. Click Save at the very bottom of the page.

For more information on creating office hour tabs, see Webex-Blackboard Integration.

Student View

  1. Select the appropriate instructor.

    select instructor
  2. Choose one available time per page visit.

A confirmation screen will appear to verify the successful booking of Office Hours.

If a student tries to book a timeslot that has passed, they will receive this message.

Confirmation Email

Instructor Point of View

Student Point of View

Instructor Point of View

Student Point of View

  • The Webex Meeting will appear in your web portal at webex.uconn.edu where you may edit or delete it. The student does not have the ability to edit or delete the Meeting.

  • You may find the office hour booking in your upcoming Meetings or by clicking on Meetings in the left-hand menu.

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