Teaching an Online Class with Webex
This article serves as a guide for those teaching and learning online with Webex. This guide covers possible scenarios for using Webex inside the classroom and at home.
UConn has enabled a Webex-Blackboard integration that greatly simplifies the setup process for instructors.
Teaching Scenarios
Click on a scenario below for a walk-through of the recommended approach.
These approaches assume that you have already setup the Webex session for the class. If you have not, see Scheduling Webex Meetings or Webex-Blackboard Integration if you would like Webex to be embedded in your HuskyCT course.
I am on campus but have remote students: Web Conferencing in a UConn Room
I am on campus and would like to create asynchronous content: Kaltura Live Lecture Capture
Also check out the Recording Room - Lightboard
I am teaching from home: Teaching from Home with Webex
Quick Facts about Webex
Default 1,000 participant limit. Built-in live streaming available to help reach audiences.
Maximum session time of 24 hours.
Can be recorded and have a transcript automatically generated for the recording (~90% accuracy, easily editable). Real-time captions are available by turning on the Webex Assistant.
The use of a VPN is not necessary. Webex is hosted on the World Wide Web, and therefore not restricted to any local network (i.e., UCONN-SECURE). A VPN will likely harm your conferencing experience due to increased latency.
Do not connect to a remote computer in your office or use AnyWare; you will not be able to use a webcam or microphone. Be sure to run Webex locally on your computer at home. If you need to access files from another computer, you should transfer them before you begin your class or use OneDrive on Office 365 to access your files.
Tips for Securing Your Webex Meeting
You can host a secure, professional environment by Securing your Webex Meeting.
You can disable the chat and other features by following this guide: Participant Privacy & Privileges in Webex Meetings.
Viewing Attendance Reports
After your class concludes, you may then view an attendance report. For instructions on how to do so, see View/Export Webex Attendance.
There may be legitimate technical issues that prevent students from participating in a session. CETL recommends that you have an alternative way to grade your students in case they are unable to attend.