Webcam/Mic Disconnected in MacOS

If you are receiving an error claiming that the microphone or camera has been disconnected, or if you cannot be seen or heard by the other participants, use this page to help navigate your Privacy settings to fix this error. 

  1. Click on the Apple icon in the top left of your system toolbar.

  2. Click on System Preferences.

  3. Click on the Security & Privacy icon in the top row.

    Mac system preferences menu.
  4. Choose Camera from the list on the left.

  5. Click on the check box next to WebEx (so that it is checked) to allow WebEx access to the camera.

    Mac camera privacy settings.
  6. Choose Microphone from the list on the left.

  7. Click on the check box next to WebEx (so that it is checked) to allow WebEx access to the microphone.

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