Schedule a Meeting with Teams

Schedule a Meeting with Teams

Faculty, staff, and students who have an active Office 365 account can use Microsoft Teams to schedule an online audio/video meeting. This article describes how to schedule a meeting in the Teams app and in Outlook.

Scheduling a Meeting in the Teams App

  1. Open Microsoft Teams.

  2. On the sidebar to the left, click on Calendar.

  3. In the top right corner, click on the purple button that says + New Meeting.

    Screenshot of Microsoft Teams calendar.
  4. Please add a title to the Add title field, and add the attendees to the Invite People field.

  5. Be sure to add the room you are trying to book in the Invite People field. Do not put the room in the location.

  6. Utilize the Scheduling Assistant in order to find when a room is available or when all attendees are available.

  7. Finish filling in details such as Start and End time, and then click Send to book the meeting.

  8. You should receive a confirmation email when this is complete.

Scheduling a Teams Meeting in Microsoft Outlook

  1. Open the Outlook application or navigate to the Outlook website.

  2. Click on the calendar icon in the left-hand menu.

  3. Click on New event in the top toolbar.

  4. Add a title for the meeting.

  5. Add attendees to the meeting in the “Required” field.
    Click on Optional to add optional attendees.

  6. Adjust the start and end time. Optionally, you can use “Scheduling Assistant” to find a time when attendees are free.

  7. Click on the toggle to add a Teams meeting to your event.

  8. If you would like invitees to attend in person but would like to include a Teams meeting as a fallback for those who cannot make it, click on the toggle labeled In-person event.

  9. Click Send to send the meeting invitation.

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