Microsoft 365 Groups

Microsoft 365 Groups

Groups is a collaboration feature within Microsoft 365 that provides a shared Outlook inbox, calendar, and SharePoint site.

Service update: ITS requires that all Groups have at least one owner who is responsible for managing membership and group settings. Members of a Group that no longer have an owner will receive a system-generated message that notifies them of this status and requests a response about ownership (example of the message below). Members will receive notifications for up to one month, and if no on claims ownership of the Group, it and its associated services will be deleted.

Notification emails should be opened in a separate window, not a preview pane. If the member views the notification in an email preview pane, they can't see the Yes and No options.

Example message for groups with no owner
Example of the message you may receive if you are a member of a Group that no longer has an owner.

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