Microsoft Bookings and Bookings with me

Microsoft Bookings and Bookings with me

There are two Microsoft 365 scheduling applications - Bookings with me and Bookings - that faculty and staff can use to schedule meetings with people inside and outside of UConn.

Need to set up a meeting with external attendees and need a way to find out their availability? Try Microsoft Scheduling Polls.

Bookings with me is a personal version of Bookings, and it’s for scheduling 1-on-1 meetings, such as for office hours. It integrates with your Outlook calendar, and you create your Bookings with me page from Outlook. After your set up your page, you can share a link to others that lets them view available appointments and book one with you. These will appear in your Outlook calendar.

Microsoft Bookings enables organizations to publish a page online where people can schedule appointments for services with one or more people. With the app, you can customize appointment details, booking requirements, and specify service providers to streamline the booking experience. You can publish Bookings externally and embed it in websites. For example, the Technology Support Center uses Bookings so that people can schedule an appointment with our technicians.

Bookings integrates with Teams so that you have the option of meeting virtually. Each appointment booked as an online meeting creates a unique meting link that is sent to attendees so they can join via a web browser, phone dial-in, or the Teams app. Bookings can also be opened as an app directly within Teams, which allows you to create Bookings calendars, assign staff, schedule new meetings, and manage existing appointments without ever leaving Teams.

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