Microsoft Power BI Pro

Microsoft Power BI Pro is a collection of services, apps, and connectors that work together to help you show your data with interactive models. Whether your data is a spreadsheet or a collection of cloud-based and on-premises hybrid data warehouses, Power BI connects that data for you to visualize and share with peers.

Power BI Pro

Microsoft Power BI Pro is available in Office 365.

Once logged into Office 365 click on the grid in the upper left-hand corner:

select power bi from apps

What Power BI Pro Can Do

Power BI lets you connect to your data sources, visualize and discover what is important, and share that with anyone or everyone you want. You can easily create data charts from Excel sheets and more.

Power BI Desktop

You can download Power BI Desktop from here. The download is Windows only.

Power BI Mobile

Microsoft Power BI can also be used on your mobile device, allowing you to share and collaborate anywhere you go.

Power BI Pro tools

Power BI Pro uses tools you are already familiar with, such as Excel and Microsoft teams, so it will be easy to pick up and start creating data to share.

Power BI Components

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