What Happens if the Webex Host Drops Out of the Session?

If the Host drops out of the Meeting/Event either purposefully or without warning due to technical problems, the session will not end. 

Learn how to safely leave and pass on the Host Role to a specific user at Participant Roles - Webex Meetings.

If the Host drops out:

  • Any shared files will remain available.

  • The Host Role will be passed down the Webex chain of command shown below until the original Host returns.

  • The Host will reclaim the Host Role automatically when they rejoin.

The Host Role is passed down in this order:

  1. Those designated as a Cohost

  2. Presenter who is currently in the session

  3. Attendee who is currently in the session

  4. Non-authenticated Presenter (user not signed into UConn Webex account)

  5. Non-authenticated Attendee (user not signed into UConn Webex account)

  6. User dialed in with a video conference device (a UConn classroom system)


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