What Happens if the Webex Host Drops Out of the Session?
If the Host drops out of the Meeting/Event either purposefully or without warning due to technical problems, the session will not end.
Learn how to safely leave and pass on the Host Role to a specific user at Participant Roles - Webex Meetings.
If the Host drops out:
Any shared files will remain available.
The Host Role will be passed down the Webex chain of command shown below until the original Host returns.
The Host will reclaim the Host Role automatically when they rejoin.
The Host Role is passed down in this order:
Those designated as a Cohost
Presenter who is currently in the session
Attendee who is currently in the session
Non-authenticated Presenter (user not signed into UConn Webex account)
Non-authenticated Attendee (user not signed into UConn Webex account)
User dialed in with a video conference device (a UConn classroom system)