Managing Webex Participants

Managing Webex Participants

Hosts may manage participants within a Webex meeting to maintain a professional atmosphere and control of the meeting by using the lobby. The lobby is a holding place for meeting participants where they cannot directly interact with others in the meeting. Hosts may move participants to the lobby so that they have to be manually re-admitted when appropriate. If an uninvited guest attends or a participant becomes disruptive, hosts can also expel this person.

Admitting Participants from the Lobby

This feature is only accessible when you are hosting on a computer. This will not show while using a UConn classroom/office system to host the meeting.

Scenario: You are hosting a Locked Meeting on a computer and someone is trying to Join.

  1. When a user tries to join a Locked session, they will be put into a Lobby.

  2. The Host and Cohosts will see an orange banner appear over the Participant Panel.

  3. Click on this banner to admit users.

Desktop App

Webex participants desktop screen.
Webex participants desktop screen.

Web App

Webex participants web app screen
  • When your meeting is locked and someone tries to join, you will see the notification shown above.

  • You have the option of admitting them without unlocking the meeting, or you may dismiss them by clicking on the small "x" to the right of the admit button.

  • You also have the option to admit all that are waiting in the Lobby.

Moving Participants to the Lobby

You may move a participant back into the lobby from the Personal Room. To the participant, it will look as if they tried to join a locked meeting and are waiting to be admitted. Users in the lobby cannot communicate with others in the lobby, and they will not know if anyone else is in the lobby.

  • If you are using the Desktop App, right-click on the participant you would like to move.

  • If you are using the Web App, left-click on the participant you would like to move. Then click on the ellipses button that appears by their name and click Move to Lobby.

Desktop App

move to lobby

Web App

move to lobby

Expelling a Participant

Participants may be expelled from the meeting by the host. Use of expulsion and the room lock will prevent uninvited participants from interrupting the meeting.

  1. While in the meeting, move your cursor across the window so that the buttons appear along the bottom of the meeting window.

  2. Click on the icon that looks like a person to open the Participant Panel.

    1. If you are using the Desktop App, right-click on the Participant you would like to Expel.

    2. If you are using the Web App, left-click on the Participant you would like to Expel. Then click on the ellipses button that shows in line after their name. Click Expel to remove the participant. 

Desktop App

Expelling a participant desktop app.

Web App

Expelling a participant web app.

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