Kaltura Live Lecture Capture

Kaltura Live Lecture Capture

Faculty and staff teaching in classrooms have the option to use Kaltura Live Lecture Capture to record and live-stream their lectures simultaneously. These recordings can be shared on HuskyCT or stored privately in your account until they are needed in the future. The recordings remain private until they are manually shared. Using this technology, lectures may be livestreamed to enable remote teaching and be broadcasted to a public audience. 

Livestreaming is a function of the recording device. Therefore, your lectures will always be recorded, and you have the option of livestreaming in rooms that support it. If you need to livestream but do not need the recording, you need not visit kaltura.uconn.edu to retrieve and share the file. You may let the recording sit in your account; your recording storage is not limited.

Tiers of Classroom Recording Technology, Documentation, and Availability

Self-Service Recording

Rooms defined by Self-Service Recording in the Lecture Capture category contain equipment capable of recording the content shown on the main display (projector), along with the audio from your microphone. Your recording is automatically uploaded to Kaltura and assigns ownership based on the NetID entered.

Self-Service Streaming

Rooms defined by All in the Lecture Capture category contain equipment capable of live streaming and recording. In addition to the main content and audio, there are cameras that can capture the front of the room. These cameras are set in a static position. Users have the option of choosing three layouts while recording: content only, camera only, or camera and content.

Users watching the stream can visit classrooms.uconn.edu to find the link associated with the room.


FERPA Considerations and Guidelines


  1. To check if your room has lecture capture ability, click on the appropriate link for your campus.

  2. Scroll to find your room, or type the room into the search box.

Using Kaltura Live Lecture Capture

A video walk-through, along with written instructions, is provided below.


  • Select Kaltura Live Lecture Capture as your source on the touch panel.

    kaltura live lecture
  • Select the appropriate recording setup. You can choose to only record the camera, only your content, or both the camera and your content.

    Chose which image you would like recorded
  • Decide whether or not you would like to livestream your lecture. Continue down this page to learn more about livestreaming.

This feature is not available in every room.

  • Enter your NetID when prompted. Ownership of the recording will be assigned to the NetID entered.

    enter your netid and password
  • Once you enter your NetID, ensure that your name appears on the next screen.

    1. If your name does not appear, press Exit Without Recording. 

    2. Repeat Steps 1-4.

    3. If your name is still not appearing, contact Academic IT at (860) 486-4357 and select Option 1.

  • A microphone is required for lecture captureMicrophones can be found in their charging stations at the classroom's teaching station.

    microphone set up
    1. After turning on the microphone, check to see that the level bars are bouncing up and down as you speak to show that the system is hearing your voice. These are the yellow bars shown below.

    2. If the levels are not reflecting your voice, ensure that the microphone is on. 

      1. If you see that the microphone’s screen is on but you do not see the yellow bars on the touch panel, contact Academic IT at (860) 486-4357 and select Option 1.

      2. Return the belt pack to the charging station when you are finished. The microphone will “click” into place; be sure that the microphone screen is facing forward, as shown in the picture above.

    3. When you are ready, hit Record in the center of the screen. Your recording will begin immediately. If necessary, you can trim and cut your recording once it has finished uploading to and processing on Kaltura.

Touch Panel Tools and Features

Upon pressing the Record button, you will be directed to the Live Capture home page on the touch panel. Be sure to tap on a Source to send it to all the screens.

touch panel tools and features

The following list of tools and features corresponds to the numbers (shown in red circles) superimposed onto the classroom touch panel screenshot above.

  • [1] By clicking on the Change button under your name, you can switch to the other capture options: Camera, Content, or Camera and Content.

  • [2] You may change the source that is being recorded throughout your presentation.

  • [3] You may pause and resume your recording throughout your presentation.

Please note that pausing your recording will not pause the live stream. The room will continue to broadcast to the public link while the recording is paused.

  • [4] If Livestreaming is available in the room, you may turn the stream on and off throughout your presentation.

Make sure that you can see the Recording in Progress status at the bottom of the panel (in yellow text) and that you see audio levels bouncing as you speak.

Note about Live-Streaming your Lecture

kaltura live lecture capture

If you live-stream your lecture, viewers need to find the link on classrooms.uconn.edu, or you can visit this page and share the link yourself.

  1. If you need to view another campus, click on Regional Campuses and then choose your campus.

    Regional Campuses Option
  2. Locate the room.

  3. Click the Live Stream link for the classroom.

    UConn Classroom Directory for ARJ 105 with Live Stream link hightlighted.

Please note that pausing your recording will not pause the live stream. The room will continue to broadcast to the public link while the recording is paused.

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