Customizing Webex Webinar Emails
Users may customize the automatically generated emails from Webex. These emails can be edited to include custom text and links.
Navigate to the UConn Webex site
If you know the name of your Event, you may use the search bar to find the Event.
Otherwise, click on Calendar in the left-hand menu. Find your Webinar and click on its title.
Choose to customize email template
Choose the email that you would like to edit. For this guide, we will edit the Thank you for attending email. Choose this email from the list on the left.
First, choose when email should be delivered by turning on the reminder and then choosing a date.
Next click on Edit template.
You will see a plain text view of email. Edit as you wish using the toolbar above the email window.
Using the HTML code view
If you would like more customization in the email, you may switch to the HTML code view.
Following this guide requires a basic understanding of HTML code. Please only follow this guide if you understand HTML and understand the risk of modifying the code. If you incorrectly enter code, the invitees will receive incomplete or broken emails.