Editing and Canceling Scheduled Webex Meetings/Webinars
This guide will show the user who scheduled the meeting how to edit or delete/cancel a scheduled meeting.
You may edit the session at any time before the Meeting begins
You may see a new join link, but all previous join links will remain functional.
Altering your Scheduled Session
Go to s.uconn.edu/webex .
Enter your UConn NetID and NetID password to sign in.
From the lefthand menu choose Calendar. You will see your upcoming sessions.
If you see your session listed there, click on it. Otherwise, use the search box at the top of the page.
This page shows all the session information. To the right of the session title, there are four buttons. Use these icons to alter the session.
When you edit or delete the session, you and any participants that were added in the "Attendee" or "Panelist" field will receive a notification that the session has been canceled.
Unable to Select or Delete a Session in my Upcoming Session
Sometimes sessions appear on your Webex Home page that you cannot click on or edit. They will appear proceeded by the Office365 icon, as shown below:
Your UConn Webex account is linked with your Microsoft Outlook account. Thanks to this interconnectivity, the two applications may read each other's calendars in order to avoid time conflicts. If you see a Webex session followed by the Outlook icon you know that that session has been read from your Outlook Calendar. To remove this session from your Webex Upcoming Meetings, you must remove it from your Outlook Calendar.