Recording Webex Sessions

Recording Webex Sessions

This article is for students, faculty, and staff seeking information regarding Webex's Record feature and accessing their recorded Webex meetings. Users can share their recordings with a public link or restrict their link to UConn members. Users also have the option to download an mp4 file of their recording. 

For more information on the new Recording options, see Webex Recording Options.

Recording Location

Webex recordings are automatically saved in the cloud where they can be shared and downloaded if necessary. 

  • Unlimited Cloud storage

  • A transcript will be automatically generated. Learn about Webex Transcripts.

  • If you lose power or drop out of the call, the recording will continue.

  • Recording can be downloaded as an mp4 file.

  • Recording occurs on the Webex server to ensure to highest possible quality. Cloud recording does not rely on your bandwidth.

Related Recording Guides

Recording a Meeting as a Host

  1. Begin the Meeting.

  2. Click on the Record button in the bottom row of buttons in the window

    webex record button
  3. You may begin and stop the recording as many times as you wish. Each recording will be a separate file in your My Recordings list. If you do not want to create separate recordings, use the Pause option.

You can change the recording layout, which is independent of your view during the meeting.

Pausing or Stopping the Recording

  1. Click on the Record button to make the small window pop up. Make the choice of pausing the recording, stopping the recording, or clicking the small X in the top-right of this window to close the window and continue recording.

    webex record button stop menu
  2. When you click Stop, another window will pop up asking if you are sure that you want to stop. This window will remind you of your ability to pause the recording in case pausing is more appropriate.

    webex stop recording confirmation

Setting Scheduled Meetings to Record Automatically

You have the option of setting Scheduled Meetings to record as soon as they begin. This will remove the worry of forgetting to start the recording and missing important information. You may also trim the recording if confidential contents are shared before or after you would have normally started/ended the recording. If your Meeting is set to automatically record, you may still pause, stop, and restart the recording as you desire. Each recording will be a separate file in your My Recordings list.

  • When scheduling the session, click on Advanced options and then Scheduling Options to expand the scheduling options menu.

  • Check the box for Automatic Recording.

  • See a walkthrough of these steps: Scheduling Webex Meetings.

  • Learn how to trim the recording: Trimming Webex Recordings.

Recovering Deleted Recordings

Deleted recordings will remain in your account for 30 days

  1. Sign into webex.uconn.edu

  2. Click on Recordings in the left-hand menu.

  3. Click on the drop-down menu under "My Recorded Meetings."

  4. Change the selection from "All" to Deleted."

    webex recorded meetings filter

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