Creating Course Links

This article is for instructors who wish to learn more about using course links in HuskyCT. A course link is a shortcut to an existing area, tool, or item in a course. Course links provide access to target content without extra scrolling and clicking to find the target item’s original location.

Course links can be used to link to any content area or content item in your HuskyCT course. Please note that a linked item must be accessible to students, as well as in a content area that is not hidden from students.

For Ultra Course View, refer to:

Video Instructions


  1. In a content area of your HuskyCT course, click Build Content.

  2. Click Course Link.

  3. Click Browse.

  4. Click on the item you wish to link.

  5. Enter a name for the course link under Name.

  6. Optional: Enter a description.

  7. If you wish to add date and time restrictions, fill in the fields for Display After and Display Until.

  8. Click Submit.

For more information or assistance with HuskyCT, contact the Educational Technology Office at or (860) 486-5052.

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