Editing File Permissions in the Content Collection

This article is for faculty and staff who wish to edit file permissions in the Content Collection to allow or disallow students from viewing specific files.

  1. Under Control Panel, click on Content Collection. 

  2. Click on the first link that is identical to your course name.

    Screenshot of content collection menu.
  3. In the file directory, find the file that students are unable to see or the folder that contains the multiple files students are unable to see.

  4. Click on the File Permissions icon.

    Screenshot of file permissions icon.
    • The current permissions will appear in a table.

  5. Click on the down arrow next to Select Specific Users by Place. 

  6. Click on Course.

  7. Check the box next to the course that you are working on.

  8. Under Select Roles, check off the box next to All Course Users.

  9. Under Set Permissions, the box next to Read should already be checked. You can leave this as is.

  10. If you are setting permissions for all files within a folder, check the box next to Overwrite under Advanced Folder Options.

  11. Click Submit to save the changes.

For more information or assistance with HuskyCT, contact the Educational Technology Office at edtech@uconn.edu or (860) 486-5052.

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