LockDown Browser (Faculty)
LockDown Browser (by Respondus) is a custom browser that locks down a student's computer when they take a test in HuskyCT. When taking a test using LockDown Browser, students are unable to print, copy, go to other websites, access other applications, or close the test until it is submitted for grading.
Monitor is an additional feature that uses a student's webcam to record them taking an online, non-proctored exam. When this feature is enabled for a test, students are required to use a webcam and microphone with LockDown Browser. After the exam is complete, an instructor can review details of the assessment, including the recordings of their students taking exams.
Instructor Live Proctoring (new for Fall 2021) allows a video conference to run in the background during an online exam that uses LockDown Browser. This option is for live, synchronous proctoring by the instructor and is ONLY recommended for small class sizes (25 or less) where it is possible to observe and track all students during a video conference. (Note: This is not recommended for iPad-enabled exams unless the student has a second device for video conferencing.)
For guidance on using LockDown Browser in Ultra Course View, please refer to https://kb.uconn.edu/space/TL/26048954399/LockDown+Browser+(Faculty)+in+Ultra+Course+View
Instructors can require the use of LockDown Browser with either Monitor or Live Proctoring; Monitor and Live Proctoring cannot run at the same time.
These settings are applied to each test individually. This is done by clicking on Respondus LockDown Browser under Course Tools in the Control Panel of your HuskyCT site. If LockDown Browser is required for a test, students can only take the test using LockDown Browser. No other browser option (such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) will be accepted. Consequently, students need to take the test using a computer that has LockDown Browser installed. If using their personal computers, students are responsible for downloading and installing the LockDown Browser software from the Useful Links for Students area on the HuskyCT Institution Page. It can be used on Mac and Windows computers, as well as iPads and Chromebooks. When the Monitor feature is chosen as an additional part of a LockDown exam, students must go through some additional setup steps prior to beginning a test to agree to the process and make sure it is working properly
Instructors do not need to download LockDown Browser to require students to use it. If an instructor wants to test out LockDown Browser themselves, they can download the application from the Useful Links for Students area on the HuskyCT Institution Page and take the test using Student Preview mode. This is the only case in which an instructor would need to actually use the LockDown Browser application. For more information, see Downloading and Installing LockDown Browser in HuskyCT.
Avoiding Common Set-up Mistakes
When instructors turn on the LockDown Browser requirement, the integration between LockDown Browser and HuskyCT automatically changes some settings on the Test Options page. To avoid some common mistakes in setting up the LockDown Browser requirement for quizzes/tests in HuskyCT, instructors should be aware of the following:
Instructors should remind students to check for and install updates for Lockdown Browser before starting a test. Instructions on how to do this for Mac and Windows can be found on the Respondus website.
Respondus LockDown Browser publishes a special password to the Password field of the HuskyCT test, which can be found on the Test Options page for the test. This special password should not be changed or removed by the instructor; doing so will prevent LockDown Browser from working with the test. This password should never be given to students. *Common Issue: If a student asks for the test password because the system is asking for a password to begin the exam, this indicates that they are not actually using LockDown Browser to open the exam and they should access the exam using the LockDown Browser application.
Respondus LockDown Browser changes the name of the test to add "Requires LockDown Browser," as well as "Webcam" if the Monitor requirement is also enabled. Once the LockDown Browser requirement is turned on, Instructors should not change the name of the test.
Instructors should not change the setting to open the test in a new window, which is found on the Test Options page. This will automatically be set to “Yes” when LockDown Browser is required. As part of its integration with HuskyCT, LockDown Browser opens a new browser tab when a student begins a test and closes all others that may be open. For this reason, the Test Options setting to open the test in a new window must be left alone. Changing the setting to “No” will cause an error.
If any of these settings (password, name of test, or open test in a new window) are changed, students will encounter an error when they try to take their tests. The error message they receive indicates that the instructor must change some settings. If your students notify you of this, you need to go to the LockDown Browser setup dashboard in your course. There, you will see an "Error" indication next to the affected test. Click Fix It to correct the affected settings. This allows your students to proceed.
If you see wingding, garbage, or otherwise incorrect characters in the “Password to access exam (optional) field” use these instructions: Fix Random Characters in Exam Password
Students requiring assistance with the installation or utilization of LockDown Browser should contact ITS Help Center at (860) 486-4357 or help@uconn.edu.
Faculty requiring more information or assistance with HuskyCT should contact the Educational Technology Office at (860) 486-5052 or edtech@uconn.edu.
LockDown Browser + Monitor Guide
LockDown Browser + Live Proctoring Guide
How the Integration Works
The LockDown Browser integration relies on the password feature for Blackboard tests. This feature is what prevents a regular browser from accessing a test that has been set up for use with LockDown Browser. There are a few things to note:
The Respondus LockDown Browser Building Block publishes a special password to the Password field for the Blackboard test. This special password should not be edited by the instructor within Blackboard; doing so will prevent LockDown Browser from working with the test.
If the instructor wants students to enter a password before the test is started, the password must be entered during the "Setting Up A Test" step described above.
The LockDown Browser integration also changes two other settings on the Test Options page in Blackboard: the name of the test, and the option to open the test in a new window.
Do not change the name of the test within Blackboard once it has been set up for use with LockDown Browser.
The integration changes the new window setting to “Yes.” Do not change this setting after you have turned on the LockDown Browser requirement.
Taking a Test (Student Perspective)
Locate Lockdown Browser on the desktop and double-click it. For Mac users, launch Lockdown Browser from the Applications folder.
If prompted to close a blocked program (e.g., screen capture, instant messaging, etc.), choose Yes.
Log in to the course and navigate to the test.
If the student is required to use a webcam during the test, the Startup Sequence will guide the student through a webcam check and other required items.
If the instructor requires a test password, a new window will appear asking for the Exam Password. Enter the password and click Begin Exam.
The test will then start.
If the instructor settings permit a student to close the browser during an exam for emergency purposes, the student will be prompted to enter a reason for exiting. The reason is displayed to the instructor in the LockDown Browser Dashboard.
What if a Standard Browser is Used?
If the settings for a test require that LockDown Browser be used, it cannot be accessed with a standard browser. In fact, you can easily confirm that a test has been properly set for LockDown Browser by following these steps using a regular browser.
Open a regular web browser.
Log in to the Blackboard course as a student.
Navigate to the test and open it. You will be prompted to enter a password. The password will only work on this page if LockDown Browser is being used.
Respondus LockDown Browser Resources
Lockdown Browser for Chromebook
While Respondus lists Chromebooks as devices compatible with Lockdown Browser (through the Chrome extension), Lockdown Browser on Chromebook frequently experiences issues. ITS does not support Chromebooks, and by extension, troubleshooting Lockdown Browser on Chromebooks, and instead recommends using another compatible device.
LockDown Browser for Chromebook has exited the beta phase and is now available as a final release. The Chromebook extension also supports the Respondus Monitor proctoring application, so it is no longer necessary for instructors to enable the Chromebook option on a per exam basis.