Exporting email from Outlook (classic)

Exporting email from Outlook (classic)

Students leaving the university may want to export their emails and calendar data. They should follow this guide to learn how to do so.

Faculty and staff need to consider the regulations and policies that may apply to data when making data transfer decisions. Bulk transfer of data for which the university has responsibility under policy, law, regulation, or contractual obligation must be handled appropriately. Examples include, FERPA data, research data, business operations data, financial aid data, and personally identifiable data.

Faculty and staff should consult with their department head or supervisor regarding any data they wish to take with them upon separation.


You must use the old, “classic”, Outlook app to export your emails; the new app does not yet support this feature. The Outlook (classic) app can be downloaded from the Windows Store App on your computer.

Exporting email from Outlook - macOS

Possible Alternate Method

Users may try adding a second email account to their Outlook App. Once both inboxes are visible in the app, users can click-and-drag email messages/chains between the two inboxes to copy them over. This is a useful method if you do not wish to save the entire mailbox.

  • In Outlook (classic), click on File and the Add Account to add your second email account.

Primary Method: Export Outlook data

  1. Open Outlook.

  2. In the top-left corner, click on File and then Open & Export from the left hand menu.

  3. Click on Import/Export.

  4. From the list in the popup window, choose Export to a file.

  5. From the list in the popup window, choose Outlook Data File (.pst).

  6. Click once on the folder that you would like to export. If you would like to export everything, click on your email address at the top. This address is a folder that contains all sub folders.

  7. Check the box to Include subfolders if you would like to do so.

  8. Chose the location for your exported email file. Leave the other setting at Replace duplicates.

  9. Click Finish.

  10. It’s a good idea to lock this file behind a password. Do so now if desired.

  11. Click Okay.

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