Setting Employee Hours in Bookings

Setting Employee Hours in Bookings

Setting employee working hours ensures that their availability is accurately represented when you or your customers try to book them. By default, the working hours for each of your employees match the business hours you have established in the Microsoft Bookings app. However, you can customize them to match the needs of each employee. This customization can be done through the Staff page.

Setting an Employee's Working Hours

  1. In Microsoft 365, select the app launcher, and then select Bookings.

  2. In the navigation pane, select Staff, and then select the staff member whose hours you want to set.

  3. Under working hours, clear the Use business hours checkbox.

  4. Use the dropdowns to select start and end times for each day. Times are available in 15-minute increments.

  5. Click + to add start and end time selectors.

  6. Select Save.

Setting an Employee's Day Off

  1. Select the X next to the day that the employee will have off under their working hours.

  2. If you want to schedule a day that was previously marked as a day off, click the + sign next to the day you want to schedule.

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