KFS to GENESYS Interfaces

The KFS to GENESYS (GENS) interfaces are essential to provide account, encumbrance, KFS calendar data to GENS which permit essential  functions to continue uninterrupted and without requiring significant programming changes to pre-KFS application functions within GENS.  For example, the Chart of Accounts (COA) interface supplies KFS account data which permits GENS to validate the Accounting information supplied on Payroll authorizations.  The KFS to GENS interfaces are described individually below along with links to interface transaction formats and other pertinent information.

KFS/FRS (format) Chart of Accounts (COA) interface:

This interface is the basic building block which allows GENS to validate payroll authorization accounting information as stated above.  Prior to the implementing KFS, GENS was tightly integrated with the legacy FRS Financial system.  In order to avoid extensive reprogramming of GENS, the KFS COA interface is provided in a format that permits the data to be loaded into pseudo-FRS DB2 tables which GENS can reference and use in the same manner as it did prior to KFS. 

For example, KFS uses 7-digit account numbers while FRS & GENS used 6-digit numbers.  The solution to this problem was to simply add a zero (0) to each FRS account number in KFS.  The COA interface back to GENS passes only the first 6 digits of the KFS account number, thereby preserving a direct relationship to the 6 digit account number used in GENS.

File created by GenrateGenesysCOAFile.


KFS/FRS (format) Encumbrance (ENC) interface:

In a manner similar to the COA interface, GENS and FRS were tightly integrated with respect to encumbrances for salary and fringe benefits.  Again, in order to avoid extensive reprogramming of GENS, the KFS ENC interface is provided in a format that permits the data to be loaded into pseudo-FRS DB2 tables which GENS can reference and use in the same manner as it did prior to KFS.

This reference to outstanding payroll encumbrances permits existing GENS programs to calculate Encumbrance and Budget changes when an employee's salary changes for any reason.

File created by uconnEncumExtractJob.

Note: When adding a new object code to be passed to Genesys, the object code and its conversion value needs to be added to the Kuali code (edu/uconn/kuali/kfs/module/ld/dataaccess/impl/GenesysEncumInterfaceDaoOjb.java - Collection<LedgerEntry> getCurrentFiscalEncumAccounts method)


KFS (format) Encumbrance Liquidation (ENCLIQ) interface:

This interface, which contains KFS format account numbers and object codes, supports the calculation of KFS ENCLIQ transactions for Salary expense transactions.  This interface is necessary because, unlike in FRS, a payroll expense transaction in KFS does not liquidate (or reduce) the corresponding encumbrance. 

The general concept for creating the ENCLIQ transactions is the following.  First, the expenditure transaction is created because this represents an actual cash expense.  The expenditure transaction will reduce the account balance in KFS. Then, in order to ensure that the account budget balance is maintained, an ENCLIQ transaction is created in the same amount as the expense transaction to reduce the Encumbrance amount in KFS.  The net effect in KFS is to increase actual payroll expense, reduce the remaining salary encumbrance, and maintain a consistent account balance.

Another essential factor is to ensure that encumbrances do not become negative in KFS, since this will artificially increase the account balance.  When an employee's salary or fringe encumbrances become zero in KFS for any reason, the GENESYS process will no longer produce ENCLIQ transactions for KFS.  The salary and fringe expenses continue to reduce the account balance, but there are no ENCLIQ transactions to improperly increase the account balance.

File created by uconnEncumKFSExtractJob.


KFS Fiscal Period interface:

The KFS Fiscal Period interface to GENS supports a basic, yet critical function.  The KFS Labor Ledger processes incoming transactions by 'active' Fiscal Year and Fiscal Period. If incoming transactions do not contain the matching 'active' FY and FP, they are rejected. 

KFS maintains a reference table which matches a given calendar date to its corresponding FY/FP.  This data is passed to GENS daily and is used by GENS processing to assign the appropriate FY/FP values to KFS transactions based on the date they are created and transmitted.

File created by uconnFiscalPeriodExtractJob.

Note: FY16 data appeared on the file 5/1/2015.

The server hosts and file locations for the interfaces described above are as follows:


Chart of Accounts:






Encumbrance Adjustment:






Encumbrance Liquidation:






Fiscal Period:







The file formats for the above interfaces can be found by selecting this link.




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