Disbursement Voucher Create Jobs

Disbursement Voucher Create Jobs:

If disbursement vouchers are needed before nightly batch is run, the following steps need to be taken.

1) Run the appropiate Control-M transfer job to upload the file to fp/disbursementVoucher, or manually upload the file using the GUI (administration Tab, Batch section, Financial Processing, Disbursement Voucher CSV Upload).  If the Homer Babbidge Library needs the upload then the Disbursement Voucher XML Upload may be used.

2) If Control-M was used to upload the file, the run convertDisbursementVoucherCSVtoXMLJob.  If the GUI upload method was used, the file has already been converted to an XML file.

3) Run loadDisbursementVoucherJob.  If this job runs successfully, the contact person in the upload file will receive  a .PDF report.