Planon is the Lease Accelerator application implemented in 2022 and went live on May 26th 2022 with the first collector file transfer to KFS. This application will support the requirements of the new accounting standard for leases (GASB 87). Planon is hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and is accessed via a browser using Single Sign On (SSO) from UConn via the below environment links.
There is one integration point, where a collector file (GL Export) is sent from Planon to the Planon PEET (webdav) site. A UConn Control-M job then transfers the collector file to a KFS directory for processing. Planon created the collector file off of a specifications document (below) which was developed during the implementation.
In order to produce the collector file out of Planon, GL entries in Planon will be produced near the end of every month. In Planon, Accounting will run the process that creates the GL Entry collector file by going to Enterprise Talk > EXP_GL_INTERFACE. Once the job runs, it will produce the file on the PEET site. Keep in mind, running EXP_GL_INTERFACE will remove any files that have not been picked up by the Control-M jobs below. Accounting will then run the Control-M job to transfer the file from the PEET site to the KFS directory.
Production Control-M Job: PRD-KFS-PlanonCollectorFileTransferJob
UAT Control-M Job: UAT-KFS-PlanonCollectorFileTransferJob
The above jobs will take the file from the PEET prod or UAT site and transfer it to KFS. Once the file has been transferred, the file on the PEET site will be moved to the */sent directory. The sent directory was created as Planon advised not to use their */Archive directory.
If you need to process multiple files in the same day within KFS, you will need to increment the sequence number in the Planon collector file on any files after the 1st file.
Transfer Job Jira:
Specifications, sample collector file, and prototype file sent from Planon
Planon PROD: (SSO Enabled)
Planon ACC(acceptance): (SSO Enabled)
Planon Test: (Requires Local Account)