Sciquest - Electronic InvoiceTaxes - EIRT

  1. a. Create a catalog requisition – shop catalogs, fill in info, submit, return to kfs

(Central Stores Ordering – FW Webb, part p/p4abs, qty = 5)

b. complete the requisition – fill in info, calculate, submit

(commodity code = 130, account = 2925000, object code = 6811)

2. approve the requisition


3. get the SciQuest PO# - Doc Search for PO

(85208, 85209 ,85210, 85211, 85212, 85213)

4. Go back to SciQuest to generate an invoice

a. Shops Catalog

b. In SciQuest, perform a Document search+search documents, using the SciQuest PO#

c. Select the PO, make sure create invoices is in the box, press go

d. Fill in supplier Invoice # (any number, characters will do, length 10) and Contact Name (UConn)

e. Save

f. Review, edit the Discount, Tax, Shipping+Handiling box – enter an amount for the Tax field (I used tax 1), save

g. Complete (capture the invoice number because that will be the filename)

5. Wait for the export to happen.  I use FileZilla to retrieve the .xml off the server.  (


6. Upload the file using admin Tab,batch column, Puchasing/Accounts Payable, Electronic Invoice Upload.  Enter the invoice#.xml file and an identifier.  File will be uploaded to staging/purap/electronicInvoice with an associated .done file.

7. Run purap/electroniInvoiceExtractJob

8. At successful completion of job, the EIRT can be viewed as JEM12026, through the Doc Search, doc type=EIRT.


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