KFS to GENESYS Interface File Formats
The KFS to GENESYS Interface File Formats and supplementary Data Field Requirements can be found in the following attachments:
KFS/FRS (format) Chart of Accounts (COA), KFS/FRS (format) Encumbrance (ENC), KFS (format) Encumbrance Liquidation (ENCLIQ), and KFS Fiscal Period interfaces:
KFS.COA.ENCAdj.ENCLiq.Fiscal Period Interfaces Used by GENESYS 20120828.Tab.20140715.xls
The Excel document attached above contains file formats and supplementary information for the interfaces listed. The formats are organized by tabs as follows:
Tab 1: Chart of Accounts file format.
- Tabs 2 & 3: Chart of Accounts file supplementary information.
- Tab 4: Encumbrance Adjustment file format.
- Tab 5: Encumbrance Liquidation file format.
- Tab 6: Fiscal Year and Period file format.
, multiple selections available,