GENESYS to KFS Interface File Formats
The GENESYS to KFS Interface File Formats and supplementary Data Field Requirements can be found in the following attachments:
Position interface: Labor Ledger Position Interface Layout.BRE.20120601.doc
Expenditure, Cash Offset, Encumbrance, Budget (and Mass Increase) interfaces:
The Excel document attached above contains file formats and supplementary information for some of the interfaces listed. The formats are organized by tabs as follows:
Tab 1: Expenditure file format.
- Tab 2: Cash Offset file format(s).
- Tab 3: Encumbrance Liquidation file format.
- Tabs 4 & 5: Encumbrance Liquidation file supplementary information.
- Tab 6: Encumbrance file format.
- Tab 7: Budget file format(s). These also pertain to the Mass Increase interfaces.
- Tab 8: Budget file supplementary information.
, multiple selections available,
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