Frequently Encountered User Issues

Users report inability to get into KFS

When you receive phone calls or footprints tickets saying users cannot get into KFS. It is likely due to a server node being down. If I am not around or Brett is not around follow the steps below. When Ben is around we communicate the outage to him directly. Since he was out today this was the process I followed to get service restored.

Steps to take in the event of an outage.

  •  Verify the outage. Go to java melody and see that one of the nodes is RED.

  •  Confirm the specific node is out by changing the last number in the following URL to the number of the server node that is down. Either 1, 2, 3, or 4 depending on what you find in Java Melody.

  •  Respond by sending an email to Kuali Technical Discussion Group (KUALI_TECH-L@LISTSERV.UCONN.EDU) stating which node is out. Reference in the email that it is production.
  •  Follow up if that email message to the listserv does not post quickly or copy the following people on the email original email. NOTE the listserv is moderated so messages need to be approved before they are sent. If no one responds in a  short amount of time start calling people.                6-1767 Configuration Manager                    6-9458 SSG UITS                          6-4994 SSG UITS                      6-9364             6-2435

  • Once service has been restored and someone has responded to the previous communications. Confirm service has been restored. Usually the server needed to be restarted once that is complete go back to steps 1 and 2 to verify that all server nodes are green on java melody and go to the problem node directly using the URL in step 2.



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