SciQuest Errors

SciQuest Errors:

1) Error Occurred Sending xml:

This error can be caused by many things.  Look at the notes and attachments tab for a more detailed reason.

2)    Unable to transmit the PO for the following reasons: Unable to send Purchase Order: XML parsing executed and completed successfully, but failed due to invalid dataError sending Purchase Order: The same PO Number already exists in the system, this duplicate PO is ignored by the system.

        The error means that in SciQuest the PO already exists.  Each non-production environment (DEV, DR, SUP, TRN, UAT, and YE) are sending PO requests to a single SciQuest environment.  The PO ranges could overlap, causing SciQuest to issue a duplicate number.  To view a list of used POs in SciQuest:

1) Select Shop Catalogs from the Main Menu, Transactions,Purchasing/Accounts Payable.  This will bring you to the SciQuest test site. 

2) Select Orders and Documents from the left-side menu (Paper icon). 

3) Then select Document Search+Search Documents submenu. 

4) Select PO the press GO. A list of POs will appear. 

5) On the left hand column is a section named Filter By.  By pressing the export search button, you can save the search.  Enter file name and description, an export type of full export, then Submit Request. 

6) To continue the export, return to Orders and Documents from the left side menu, select Document Search followed by Download Export Files.  Verify that the export status for your query is complete.  If it is Pending you must wait until it is complete. 

7) Reenter the document Search to refresh the status.  Once the status indicates the export is complete, click on the file name to save to your computer.  Then you can save the file and manipulate however you need to. 

8) Once sorted, you can see the range surrounding the PO returned to you from SciQuest.  If there only a couple, you can continue to creates POs until you reach an unused one.  


 If there are too many POs that need to be created, do the following, using SQL Developer or another SQL tool:

1) connect to the environment 

2) navigate to Sequences+PO_ID to view the data (LAST_NUMBER should be the PO Number you received back from SciQuest, INCREMENT_BY should be 1)

3) execute ALTER SEQUENCE PO_ID INCREMENT BY (#number of POs you want to bypass);  This will change the increment value to the number you entered.

4) execute SELECT PO_ID.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL;   (you should see that the LAST_NUMBER has increased)  This increments LAST_NUMBER by the INCREMENT_BY value.

5) execute ALTER SEQUENCE PO_ID INCREMENT BY 1; (resets the INCREMENT_BY value back to 1)


3) Error parsing the file - Connection reset:

It is not known what causes this error.  This usually happens when ElectronicInvoiceExtractJob runs too close to PRD-KFS-SciQuest_data_xfer job.  The Invoices will need to be reprocessed.  Copy the rejected invoices back into the Electronic Invoice folder and rerun the ElectronicInvoiceExtractJob.  If the job succeeds any eDocs created from the first job, will need to be disapproved. 

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