Level 1 Support

General Information:
The interface/file transfers are run Monday thru Friday at 7pm. Most interfaces/ file transfers have a Control-M job associated with it. See  Billing Files Control-M Jobs or Disbursement Voucher Files Control-M Jobs. See Collector Flat File Directories or Disbursement Voucher File Directories for the associated file path names.
For Contact information for each interface, see  KFS Integrations (Interfaces), under Kuali Production support.

 Billing (Collector) Files:
FAMIS (Facilities) – File has data errors, which are corrected by the FAMIS team. These errors include "missing chart code" or "invalid account and object code" errors.

  • A file upload is requested of the KFS team with the corrected FAMIS data. Items to be concerned about include verifying the file has a different date or sequence number in the header record and verifying that the trailer record count and total amount have been adjusted. Submitting the same date and sequence number as the original file will cause a duplicate file error and the corrected transactions will reject.
  • Once verification has been done, upload the file using the Collector Flat File Upload.

FoodPro (Dining Services) – Last file of the Fiscal Year usually rejects with "Accounting Period not active" error message. This is due to the Fiscal Year on the header and detail records being changed prematurely.

  • Hold the file. Upload the file, using the Collector Flat File Upload, the night of July 1st or after the new Fiscal Year has opened.

Locksmith (Public Safety) - No issues reported
Pinnacle (UITS) – May notice "Account not found in the database [UC-1111111]" error on the collector .txt report. This error occurs every month and can be ignored.

 Disbursement Voucher Files:
Each disbursement voucher file has an associated unit code. View Disbursement Voucher Unit Codes for a list of associated unit codes.

 FoodPro (Dining Services) -
Indicates that the Disbursement Voucher report was not received. All reports are stored on the Kuali file server for 90 days. Go to Administration Tab, Batch column, System section, Batch File entry. Scroll to reports section, fp application. Browse entries beginning with disbursement_voucher_batch to find unit code of department missing the report. Download the report and email it to the requester.

 Indicates the file did not process.

  • Verify that the file was uploaded correctly. Administration Tab, Batch column, System section, Batch File entry. Scroll to staging section, fp application/disbursementVoucher entry
  • If the file was uploaded, you should see a FoodPro file with a .csv extension.
  • If the .done file extension is missing, the file processed correctly through the GUI or the batch job convertDisbursementVoucherCSVtoXMLJob. There should be a file with a .xml extension. The .xml files all start with dv-file-kfs. The unit number is part of the file name. A FoodPro file name would be dv_file_kfs_..... .4107.xml.
  • If there are no files, then most likely a file was not transferred. Contact Server Support to review the logs, to determine if a file transmission error occurred.
  • File may need to be retransmitted. Once a file is transmitted to the remote batch server, ask scheduling to run PRD-KFS-SAIT_FoodPro_vendorPayments_xfer.
  • Verify that the .csv file was transmitted.
  • After verification, ask scheduling to run convertDisbursementVoucherCSVtoXMLJob, followed by loadDisbursementVoucherJob. These jobs create Disbursement Voucher eDocs.
  • Send report output to the requestor.


Utilities/ResLife (Facilities) –
Indicates that the Disbursement Voucher report was not received.
Many times data errors will cause the file to reject but no report would be sent to the requestor.

  • Verify that the file was uploaded correctly. Administration Tab, Batch column, System section, Batch File entry. Scroll to staging section, fp application/disbursementVoucher entry.
  • If the file was uploaded, you should see a file with a .csv extension. July 2014 file was called July 2014 CLP ready to be saved in O drive.csv.
  • If the .done file extension is missing, the file processed correctly through the GUI or the batch job convertDisbursementVoucherCSVtoXMLJob. There should be a file with a .xml extension. The .xml files all start with dv-file-kfs. The unit number is part of the file name. A ResLife file name would be dv_file_kfs_..... .3038.xml.
  • If the .done file extension exists, then look at the .pdf report to see what type of data error occurred. Administration Tab, Batch column, System section, Batch File entry. Scroll to report section, fp application. Look for the .pdf file and view it using a .pdf reader.
  • Correct the error and resubmit the file.
  • Delete the .done file. If the .done file is not deleted, the original file will try to process again the next night, causing another .pdf file with the same error.

Indicates that the report was not received.

  • Verify that the files were received from the bank. Administration Tab, Batch column, System section, Batch File entry staging/fp/masterCardInput.
  • Files are transmitted Monday thru Saturday at around 3pm. If the servers are down for maintenance (especially weekend maintenance), the file transmission fails. The ProCard Administrator has to ask the bank to re-transmit the file.
  • Files will be deleted off the server once processing is complete. Server Support Group has an archive location where any PCard files can be retrieved, if needed.
  • Files are encrypted on the batch remote server, unencrypted when transmitted to the KFS batch server. Once the file have processed, both with the loadMasterCardFileJob and with the procurementCardDocumentJob, the files are deleted from the server.
  • If file was received, but transmitted late, it is possible to run during the day.

    1)      Run PRD-KFS-ProCard_data_xfer as an unscheduled job, from Control-M.  Results found in Administration tab + Batch column + Batch/Scheduled Jobs Section + Batch File.  Search staging+fp+masterCardInput.  You will see a .cdf file and a .done file.

    2)      Run loadMasterCardFileJob found in Administration tab + Batch column + Batch/Scheduled Jobs Section + Schedule.  Search for loadMasterCardFileJob, Select Modify, Press run button.  Results of completed job found in Administration tab + Batch column + Batch/Scheduled Jobs Section + Batch File.   Search staging+fp+procurementCard, using today’s date as a create date.  You will see proCard_......xml and proCard_......done files.  Report from job can be found in reports+fp  as a MasterCard_KFS_Input.summary….txt file.

    3)      Run procurementCardDocumentJob found in Administration tab + Batch column + Batch/Scheduled Jobs Section + Schedule.  Search for procurementCardDocumentJob, Select Modify, Press run button.  This job typically takes 20-30 minutes to run.  Log can be found in Administration tab + Batch column + Batch/Scheduled Jobs Section + Batch File, reports+fp  as ProcurementCardDocumentJob….log and procurement_card_load….txt.  You may also do a doc search for Document Type PCDO, created today.  Number of items retrieved is the number of pcdo e-docs created by this process.

 SMTP server is down.

  • The loadMasterCardFileJob runs, but fails. The transactions are created, however the .done file is not deleted. Delete the .done file manually so that the transactions do not process again, causing duplicates. Administration Tab, Batch column, System section, Batch File entry staging/fp/masterCardInput/GUC3751….. .done.

Indicates that the PCDO tabs did not populate.

  • File from the bank did not send the data in the proper record type.  The mastercard file is made up of many record types(addendums).  Each record type populates information in different tabs within the  PCDO.  

Two files transmitted on the same day

  • This is probably an error on the bank's side.  Do a DocSearch for PCDO with a date of the previous night.  Verify that each entry is duplicated. 
  • If you see duplicate entries, all PCDO documents loaded the previous night will need to be super-user disapproved. 
  • Asked Server Support Group to retrieve one of the files from the archive folder, decrypt it and put it back on the production server in file folder staging/fp/masterCardInput with an associated .done file. 
  • Once the file is back on the server, manually run loadMastercardJob  Administration Tab, Batch column, System section, Schedule entry, modify, run.
  • Review the summary report Administration Tab, Batch column, System section, Batch File Entry report/fp/MasterCard_KFS_Input.summary.CCYYMMDD-HH-MM-SS-seq.txt .
  • Run ProcurementCardDocumentJob Administration Tab, Batch column, System section, Schedule entry, modify, run.
  • Verify transactions by doing a DocSearch for PCDO with the current date.
  • Notify the ProCard administrators that everything is set.

 Error:  ProcurementCard transaction.................with amount .........does not exist in the card holder detail table.

  • This is usually caused when a new ProCard is issued.  The cardholder record (bank transaction 4300) has not been transferred via the mastercard file, before the card was used. 
  • To correct the problem, once the bank has sent the 4300 transaction and KFS has processed it, a cardholder record will be created. 
  • The ProCard administrator must update the cardholder record with reconciler group and other information.
  • UITS KFS support requests the PCard transaction file, from server support group, that contained the failed transactions.  Transfer the file, using filelocker or through a secure connection.
  • UITS KFS support modifies the PCard transaction file keeping the 0000,1000, and 9999 header records.  Also keep the 5000 records for the associated failed transactions.  These transactions will have addendums 0 through 7.  Delete all other records from the file.
  • UITS KFS Support requests the server support group to upload the modified file (transferred using filelocker or through a secure connection) to the production batch server /uconn_configs/kfs-config/work/prd/kfs/staging/fp/masterCardInput.  A .done file must also be created (empty file with same name as modified transaction file but with a .done file type).  

DRS vendor list file
An email received from DRS with subject:AUDIT Problem: RINTJ691 UCN Vendor Offset Load UCN Data - Missing Input File.

  • Ask server support to copy file from staging/vnd/drs/archive/UCONNtoDRS_VendorOffsetsLoadData_RINTJ691_ccyymmddhhmm to  staging/vnd/drs/UCONNtoDRS_VendorOffsetsLoadData_RINTJ691_ccyymmddhhmm.
  • Ask scheduling to run PRD-KFS-VendorListUconntoDRS_TFR job.
  • Once job has completed verify with DRS that the file was received. 

 DRS Delinquent Vendor file
An email is received from Accounts Payable requesting job to be run.

  • Accounts Payable to request scheduling to run PRD-KFS-DelinquentvendorDRStoUConn-TFR followed by DelinquentVendorDataImportJob.
  • Once both these jobs have completed, the report needs to be downloaded and emailed to Accounts Payable – Tax. Delinquent_Vendor.summary Report can be found in Administration Tab, Batch column, System section, Batch File entry, report/vnd/ Delinquent_Vendor.summary…… .txt.

FAMIS Chart Of Accounts
Receive a forwarded email from Lara Bordick indicating that the transfer failed.

  • If this was a holiday weekend, the Accruent server can be down. No action is required, file will transfer the next night.
  • If KFS batch runs late, the file could potentially miss the file transfer window. No action is required, file will transfer the next night.

FAMIS Vendor
Receive a forwarded email from Lara Bordick indicating that the transfer failed.

  • If this was a holiday weekend, the Accruent server can be down. No action is required, file will transfer the next night.
  • If KFS batch runs late, the file could potentially miss the file transfer window. No action is required, file will transfer the next night.

SciQuest (Requisition and PO’s)

Contact support@SciQuest.com.  Indicate whether the issue is production or test, date and time of the transaction, and that the school is UConn.  Request the log files and .xml generated by the transaction that is causing the error.    

SciQuest (electronic Invoices)-

Contact support@SciQuest.com.  Indicate whether the issue is production or test, date and time of the transaction, and that the school is UConn.

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