Recording Audio/Video Feedback

This page is for instructors who are interested in giving Audio/Video feedback on HuskyCT assessments.

This option is available for HuskyCT Assignments and Test questions that require instructor review.

Step 1: Navigate to the Needs Grading tab under Course Management.


Step 2: Select the assignment which requires feedback.

Step 3: Click on the blue bar on right of the submission to open the Feedback to Learner box.

Step 4: Click on the content editor icon.

Step 5: On the text box that appears, click on the small plus icon. Note that if you do not see the plus icon, you may need to expand your tool bar by clicking the ellipses icon in the upper right corner.

Step 6: On the dropdown that appears, click Insert from Webcam.

Step 7: Allow the software to use camera and microphone.

Step 8: Click on the video icon to begin recording and wait for the 5 second countdown to conclude before speaking.

Step 9: Click on the red button to stop recording.

Step 10: When you are finished, the recording will appear on your screen for you to review. To save your recording, click Save and Exit.

Step 11: Name the file and click Insert Recording.

Step 12: Enter the grade for the assignment above the feedback box, click Submit.