Uploading Grades to HuskyCT from a .CSV File

This article explains how instructors can upload grades from a CSV file into a HuskyCT Grade Center Column.

For Ultra Course View, refer to: Uploading Grades from a .CSV File in the Ultra Course View

Step 1: Create a Grade Center column

  1. From the HuskyCT Grade Center click Create Column. This new column will be the destination for the uploaded CSV data. If you will be uploading multiple columns of grade data, create a grade center column for each.

  2. Name the column and specify the possible points.

Step 2: Prepare a CSV for Upload

  1. To upload CSV data successfully, the CSV file must contain the following:

    1. A column titled Username containing student NetIDs. This must be the first column in the CSV file.

    2. If you intend to upload grades into an existing Grade Center column, the second column in your CSV file must contain the exact Grade Center Column Name and Column ID, using the following format: column name|column. Make sure there are no spaces between the column name, the vertical slash, and the column ID.

    3. Alternatively, you can also create a new Grade Column by uploading a CSV file. In this case, the second column in your CSV only needs to be named as you want the new column to appear in your Grade Center.

  2. A CSV file containing these exact column names and formats can be easily downloaded by clicking Work Offline, then Download.

  3. From the Download Grades page, select the individual column you would to upload to and Delimiter Type “Comma.” If you will be uploading data for multiple columns, download the Full Grade Center.

  4. The downloaded CSV file will contain the correct column formatting.

  5. Input your grade data into the CSV column(s). The data should align with the possible points specified in Step 1 (i.e. if the possible points in the Grade center column is 50, the CSV values should be from 0-50).

Step 3: Upload the CSV file to Grade Center

  1. To upload the CSV file, 

    1. Click on Work Offline at the upper right-hand corner of the Grade Center.

    2. Click Upload. 

    3. Browse your computer for the file.

    4. Select Comma as the Delimiter Type and click Submit. 

2. The grade data from the CSV will now be populated into the designated Grade Center column.


CSV Uploading Irregularities

  1. When uploading the CVS to the Grade Center (Step 3), if the Column name and ID listed in the CSV are not perfectly formatted (as specified in Step 2.1.b) a new column will be created in the Grade Center. This column will have 0 as the possible points and Primary Display set to Text.

  2. To change these settings, click the gray drop-down arrow next to the column name and click Edit Column Information

    1. Click on the down arrow for the Primary Display menu.

    2. Change the Display Type to Score.

    3. Enter the Points Possible.

    4. Click Submit.

    5. Click OK when prompted by the warning message.

For more information or assistance with HuskyCT, contact the Educational Technology Office at edtech@uconn.edu or (860) 486-5052.

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