Uploading Scantron Grades

This article is for faculty and staff who want to upload Scantron (also known as "Bubble Sheet") grades into HuskyCT.

For Ultra Course View, refer to: Uploading Scantron Grades in Ultra Course View

Instructors will receive an email from ScantronX@uconn.edu (X refers to which device: I, 2, or a regional campus device) with the subject “Remark Results for Department” followed by the course information and the instructor's NetID. This email contains a .zip file that instructors need to download. The .zip file contains a CSV file named ExamGrades.CSV that is used to upload the grades to the HuskyCT Grade Center. There are also five reports in .pdf format, .rbbx files that integrate to BlackBoard, and three additional files.

  1. Prepare your Scantron file for upload to HuskyCT.

    1. Convert your file. Run the ExamGrades.CSV file you receive in their email through a file converter website. That website will match the student ID numbers students enter on their bubble sheets with their NetIDs. To run the CSV file through the file converter website,

      1. Open the ScantronReports.zip file you received with your email from the Scantron machine. (On some computers you may need to right-click and select Extract to access the files within the .zip package.)

      2. Save these files to your computer. You will need to upload the ExamGrades.CSV file into the converter website, so you need to know where to find that file on your computer. Do not make any changes to the ExamGrades.CSV file prior to uploading it to the converter site.

      3. Go to the Scantron converter website

      4. Click Choose File.

      5. Find the ExamGrades.CSV file on your computer.

      6. Click Submit. The converter website will generate a new file called converted_scantron.CSV.

      7. Delete Columns prior to the HuskyCT upload. The converted file has five columns: Student Name, ID, Username, Raw Score, and Percent Score. Remove the Student Name and ID columns and the score column you do not wish to import (either Raw Score or Percent Score). You can change the name of the score column.
        Note: The file must be kept as a CSV file and should contain two columns: NetIDs and scores.

    2. Rename the remaining column. If you plan to create the HuskyCT Grade Center column during the import, the name you choose will be used for the new column (see Option 1). If you wish to load the scores into an existing column, the name will need to exactly match that column’s title which includes a hidden ID (see Option 2). 

  2. Upload the CSV file to Grade Center.

    1. At the upper right of the Grade Center, click Work Offline. 

    2. Click Upload.
      Note: A new column will be created during the upload to hold the uploaded grades unless the test score column title in the CSV file exactly matches the Grade Center column title. This requires the addition of a special ID code.

      work offline
    3. Browse your computer for the file.

    4. Select Comma as the Delimiter type.

    5. Click Submit.

    6. There are two options for creating columns while uploading grades in Grade Center:

      1. OPTION 1Adding the Grade Center Column During the Upload

        1. In the example below, the CSV file uploaded has “Test 1” as the title of the column for the test scores. This title does not contain the special ID, so when the file is uploaded, a new column is created in the Grade Center with the name “Test 1.” 

          test 1 example
      2. OPTION 2: Populating Grades into an Existing Column

        1. In this case, a column was previously created in the HuskyCT Grade Center using the Create Column function, and “Test 1” was entered into the Column Name field.

        2. Before uploading the .CSV file,

          1. Go to the Grade Center. 

          2. Click on the gray down arrow to the right of the column title.

          3. Click on the Quick Column Information option. 

          4. Copy down the Column ID. 

          5. Add the Column ID to the column title as follows as shown in the provided image, using the following format: title | column #. Make sure there are no spaces between the column name, the vertical slash, and the column ID.

            Note: Another way to retrieve the exact column title of the Grade Center column is to download the Grade Center as a CSV file and copy and paste the column title into the CSV file being prepared for the upload of the test scores.

    7. Change the column Primary Display from Text to Score. By default, uploading grade values from a CSV file into the Grade Center sets the Primary Display to Text. In order for those grades to count towards any calculations, that setting must be changed to Score.

      1. Click the gray down arrow next to the column title, and then click Edit Column Information.

      2. Click on the down arrow for the Primary Display menu, then change the Display Type to Score.

      3. Enter the Points Possible.

      4. Click Submit.

      5. Click OK on the warning message.

      6. The test scores should now display with decimal places.

For more information or assistance with HuskyCT, contact the Educational Technology Office at edtech@uconn.edu or (860) 486-5052.

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