Changing the Running Total Setting for Calculated Columns

Changing the Running Total Setting for Calculated Columns

This article is for faculty and staff seeking information regarding changing the Running Total setting on calculated columns.

Running Total is a setting for all Calculated Columns. The Calculated Column types are Average, Weighted Total, Total, and Min/Max. The default for Running Total is Yes. This setting may result in a different out of total points value for each student’s calculation because any columns in the formula that do not have an entry will be excluded. If Running Total is set to No, then all students will have the same value for total points possible and cells that are blank will be treated as zeroes.

Example: Four columns, each with 25 points possible are being added up. A student has 20, 21, 22, and a blank. The Total with Running Total YES is 63/75. The Total with Running Total NO is 63/100.

To change the Running Total setting for calculated columns, 

  1. Click on Grade Center under the Control Panel in Course Management.

  2. Select Full Grade Center.

  3. Locate the Calculated Column in the Grade Center that you wish to check.

  4. Click on the gray down arrow to expand the Options menu.

  5. Click Edit Column Information.

    Edit column information.
  6. Find the Select Columns area on the Settings page. It is located just below the area where you select the columns you intend to include in the calculation.

    1. The default setting for Running Total is “Yes.” When Running Total is set to “Yes,” a column where a student has no grade entered will not be included in the calculation for that student, so the “out of” points will be lower.

  7. Click Submit to save any changes to the Running Total setting.

At the end of the semester, this setting should be No. Otherwise, students who have missed work may receive a grade that is higher than it should be.

Calculate as running total option.

For more information or assistance with HuskyCT, contact the Educational Technology Office at edtech@uconn.edu or (860) 486-5052.

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