Adding Content Areas

By default, your course may come with an Announcements page, Discussion boards, and a section called a "Content Area."

A content area is where you can upload assignments, files, videos, exams, etc. For more information, see Adding Content and Building Your Course Site.

However, you might want to have different content areas for different purposes, such as one for exams and one for homework assignments.

Creating a Content Area

  1. In your course, on the left-hand bar, click the plus sign right below the course name.

  2. Select Content Area from the drop-down menu.

    add content area
  3. Name your content area.

    content area name
  4. Check Available to Users. If this is not selected, the content area will be hidden from students until you change the settings.

  5. Press Submit.

The content area will appear at the bottom of your menu. To move it up, hover over the content area and an arrow that is pointing up and down should appear to the left of the name. Hold the arrow with your mouse and drag it up or down to where you want your content area to be located on the course menu.

For more information or assistance with HuskyCT, contact the Educational Technology Office at or (860) 486-5052.

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