Reviewing and Grading Exams

Instructors can find, review, and submit exam submissions and locate the submissions in HuskyCT. Instructors may need to complete this process when a submission is in progress, when there are essay or long response questions, or to give points back. 

Finding Exam Submissions

  1. Navigate to the Full Grade Center.

  2. Find the Grade Center column that corresponds to the exam or quiz that was administered. 

    1. You may see grades in this column if the exam was graded automatically. You may also see a yellow circle with an exclamation mark. That is the "Needs Grading" icon. If a Test attempt was submitted after the Due Date you set on the Test Options page, HuskyCT will not post the student's grade until you review those attempts. Also, tests that include questions that cannot be graded automatically, will also not show students' total grades until you grade each of those questions. You need to find the yellow "Needs Grading" icon for the relevant attempt, open the attempt, review it, grade any essay or short answer questions, and click the "Save" button. That will push the grade through for late attempts and complete the grading process for tests with non-automatically graded questions.

  3. To view the attempt, hover over the grade or the exclamation mark.

  4. Click on the drop-down arrow that appears.

  5. Select Attempt. Doing so will bring you to the student's attempt.

    Grade drop-down and attempt

To locate attempts, you can also:

  1. Navigate to the Needs Grading section.

  2. Select the User Attempt from the Needs Grading section.

Grading Exam Submissions

  1. Follow Steps 1-5 in the section above, Finding Exam Submissions. 

  2. You can grade the essay questions directly within the student's attempt. To do so,

    1. Enter any comments or feedback in the feedback area.

    2. Enter the appropriate number of points in the points box shown next to each question.

  3. Once you have finished, select Submit at the bottom of the page.

  4. If you need to grade more than one attempt, click Submit and Next to navigate to the next attempt.

For more information or assistance with HuskyCT, contact the Educational Technology Office at or (860) 486-5052.

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