Grading with Perusall
This article is intended for instructors looking to understand and use the Perusall grading system.
Grading Model
Perusall features 2 built-in grading models.
The Holistic grading model (default) is built around course engagement. It assesses points not only for the student’s annotations, but also for their engagement with the content, and with other course members. In this model, there are multiple ways for students to earn a perfect score.
The Annotation Content Model only scores the annotations themselves, and by default, there is only one way to earn a perfect score.
Instructors can select the model that most closely aligns with their assessment style and learning objectives, then customize the option below to best suit their specific needs.
There are six scoring categories in Perusall, each worth 0 to 100 percent. If a category is set to 0, that will exclude it from counting towards a student's grade. A score is assessed for each category and the sum of these scores is computed into the student’s grade. By default, any score over 100 is a perfect score on the given assignment. By default, assignments are scored from 0 to 3, so if the raw sum of a student's score is 50, they would receive 1.5/3 points on the assignment.
Editing Grading Settings
Editing Course Scoring Settings
Navigate to your Perusall Course.
Click Settings, and then click the Scoring tab.
You will now see the overall assessment model used in the course, and the grading components which you can adjust.
Editing Assignment Specific Scoring Settings
By default, assignments are scored using the course-wide scoring settings. However, instructors can set specific scoring settings for a particular assignment when it is created.
Navigate to your Perusall Course.
Click Course Home, and then click the Assignments tab.
Select the assignment you want to edit the scoring settings for, and click Edit.
On the new windows, click Scoring.
If Specific Custom Scoring Setting for this Assignment is checked, then the assignment uses the scoring settings below. You can edit the scoring components below, and it will affect no other assignment
If Use Course Scoring Settings is checked, the assignment is scored using the course-wide settings, and you can either switch the scoring method or edit the course-wide scoring settings.
Grading Components
For more information or assistance, contact Educational Technologies at or by phone at (860) 486-5052.