LockDown Browser in Ultra Course View (Faculty)

LockDown Browser in Ultra Course View (Faculty)

This article is intended for instructors looking to setup and use LockDown Browser in their HuskyCT Ultra Course. LockDown Browser by Respondus is an online exam proctoring tool that locks students into their browser while taking an exam. In HuskyCT Ultra Course view, LockDown Browser can be enabled on either a Test or an Assignment.

Configuring LockDown Browser

You must first open the Respondus Lockdown Browser dashboard in HuskyCT using the URL: https://lms.uconn.edu once per course. This will allow you to authorize the Respondus integration with your course. If you do not accomplish this step, Lockdown Browser will not be available for students. Once you have authorized the application, you may use any of the available URL's to access HuskyCT.

Screenshot showing the Authorization window

Video Instructions


  1. Navigate to your HuskyCT course via https://lms.uconn.edu

  2. Under Details and Actions, look for Books & Tools.

  3. Click View Course & Institution Tools.

  4. Under Available Tools, Click Respondus.

  5. You will see a list of all your Assessments, find the assessment you want to enable LockDown Browser on.

  6. Click the down arrow to the left of the assessment’s name.

  7. On the small drop-down menu click Settings.

  8. Under LockDown Browser Settings, check Require Respondus LockDown Browser for this exam.

  9. Optionally, under Advanced Settings, configure any desired options.

    1. Require LockDown Browser to view post-exam feedback and results: If enabled, students must access the assessment using LockDown Browser to view test feedback. If disabled, students are still required to use LockDown Browser for taking the assessment, but can view exam results and feedback thought a regular browser. Default is enabled.

    2. Lock students into the browser until exam is completed: Prevents students from exiting LockDown Browser until they have submitted their exam. This setting is not recommended outside of proctored environments, as if a student has an emergency or experiences a technical issue, they will not be able to close and attempt to re-enter the exam. By default, this option is disabled, and if a student attempts to exit the exam they will be warned twice and prompted to enter a reason, which the instructor can review in the Respondus LockDown Browser Dashboard.

    3. Allow students to take this exam with an iPad: Allows students to take the exam using the LockDown Browser app from the App Store. Default is disabled.

    4. Allow access to specific external web domains: Allows students to access a specific website while taking the exam. However, instructors must include a link to the website within the exam, otherwise students can’t access the site. Default is disabled.

    5. Enable Calculator on the toolbar: Allows students access to either a standard 4 function or scientific calculator. Default is disabled.

    6. Enable Print from the toolbar: Allows students to print while taking the LockDown Browser exam. Default is disabled.

  10. If the exam will not use any proctoring tools, click Save + Close. If you want to enable proctoring, continue to the next section.

Proctoring Options for Online Exams

LockDown Browser features two proctoring options. First, Respondus Monitor, an automated proctoring tool, which uses student webcams and microphones to monitor students while their are taking an exam. Second, Respondus Live Proctoring, which allows an instructor to proctor the exam using a video conferencing tool such as Teams or Collaborate.

Respondus LockDown Browser must be enabled to configure Respondus Monitor.

  1. Under Proctoring, check Require Respondus Monitor (automated proctoring) for this exam.

  2. Specify which items to include in the Startup Sequence, the steps students must complete before they can access the exam.

    1. Webcam Check: Students are asked to record a short video and speak to verify their webcam and microphone are working properly. This option can’t be disabled.

    2. Additional Instructions: Instructors can add supplemental instructions that appear before the exam. Be default, the option is enable, and a short statement about LockDown Browser is presented.

    3. Guidelines + Tips: Instructs students on best practices for taking a test with Respondus Monitor.

    4. Student Photo: Asks students to take a photo of their face using their webcam.

    5. Show ID: Asks students to take a photo of their identification for the exam.

    6. Environment Check: Asks students to take a short video showing their surroundings.

    7. Facial Detection Check: Verifies a student’s face is visible before the start of the exam. This option can’t be disabled.

  3. Optionally, configure the Facial Detection Options

    1. Prevent students from starting the exam if face cannot be detected during startup sequence: Students can’t begin the exam if their face is not detected in the final stage of the startup process.

    2. Notify students during the exam if face cannot be detected (prompt for fix): Students are notified if their face can’t be detected during the exam.

  4. Optionally, configure any Advanced Settings

    1. Allow this exam to additionally be delivered in a proctored lab: Students in a proctored lab can take the exam using only LockDown Browser, and without Monitor. Instructors must supply a password for the proctor to provide to students at the start of the exam to allow the students to take the exam without Monitor.

    2. Allow another application to use the microphone during the exam: Only one application can use the microphone at a time, this setting allows students to use the microphone to record a response to a question, therefore ambient noise will not be recorded.

  5. Click Save + Exit

Respondus Live Proctoring requires Respondus LockDown Browser be required for the exam.

Live Proctoring is only recommended in a small class, such as a Discussion section, where an instructor can effectively see and monitor everyone using a video conferencing tool.

Due to iPad system limitations, Respondus Live Proctoring can’t be used on an iPad. Student would either need a second device to run the video conference while taking the exam, use a different device entirely, such as a Windows laptop, or the instructor can allow them to leave the call to take the exam.

  1. Under Proctoring, check the box next to Allow Instructor Life Proctoring for this exam (via Zoom, Teams, etc)

  2. Under Instructor Live Proctoring

    1. Select your video conferencing system: Instructor must choose the video conferencing platform to host the meeting, e.g. Teams or Collaborate.

    2. Start Code: This code will be given to student when they start the exam, after attendance has been taken and you have verified that you can see and hear everyone.

    3. Include Additional Instructions to Students: Optionally, provide additional guidance to students on taking the exam or specific instructions regarding Live Proctoring.

  3. Click Save + Exit


For more information or assistance with HuskyCT, please contact the Educational Technology Office at edtech@uconn.edu or (860) 486-5052 (M-F 9am-4pm).


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