Comments and Discussions

Comments are disabled by default on all new sites within Aurora. For sites that are low-traffic or do not have a dedicated resource to manage comments, we recommend that comments remain disabled.

Setting Up Comments and Discussions

If there is a page on your site for which you would like comments to be enabled, do the following:

  1. Go to that page’s Edit screen.

  2. Click Screen Options at the top of the screen and make sure that both the Discussion and Comments fields are checked

  3. Scroll down and you will see a section titled “Discussion.” Within that section, there is an option to Allow Comments. Check it.

  4. Click Update.

Now, when you go to that page, you will see the option to add a comment at the bottom of it.


If your site’s Administrator has set up the site as a blog or heavily uses the post functions, then the following links will help you manage comments.

Once logged into your WordPress site, check out the Video Tutorial on Managing Comments.

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