A-Z Index

Staff can use an organized page template to automatically generate a list of all pages from Aurora and list them in alphabetical order.

  1. To assign a page to the A-Z index template, locate Page Attributes on the right side of the editing screen.

    Page Attributes Window
  2. Under Template, select A-Z Index.

    Template Menu

For a working example, view the Aurora site’s A-Z Index.

Excluding Pages

By default, the A-Z Index will display every single published page on the site, but it is possible to override that behavior and leave certain pages out.

  1. Find the ID number of the page you wish to exclude. Edit the page in question, and look at the URL bar in your browser. You will see a number there that looks like this (ex. 1799).

  2. Edit the A-Z Index Page. Scroll down and select Custom Fields.

    1. If this box does not appear, select Screen Options at the top right of the page and select the box next to Custom Fields. Scroll down and look for it again.

  3. In the Custom Fields box, add a new custom field called Exclude, and add the number of the page to exclude. When adding multiple pages, use a comma to separate the ID numbers.

  4. Save the changes you made.

Excluding 0-9 From A-Z Index

If your website has no pages with titles beginning with a number, consider excluding 0-9 at the top of your A-Z Index page.

To get rid of these numbers, add the following CSS code to your Custom CSS:

#page-az .btn-group:nth-child(2) { display: none; }

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