

Before inserting images into Posts and Pages using the Classic Editor or the Block Editor, you will need to prepare the images before they are uploaded.

The following video has information on preparing images for your website. The Classic Editor was used to insert the images into the webpage.

(See all Aurora WordPress Training.)

Finding Images

Do not just search and pick something from Google Images. Make sure you are using something you paid for, something you shot, or something from the public domain. You run the risk of getting yourself, your department, and the University in trouble. See more about Copyright and Fair Use.

Useful Websites

Tips for Saving Space

Each website on Aurora comes with a 5 GB storage limit and a file size limit of 100 MB. If your site has a lot of images or other media, you might find some of the below tips for saving space useful.

Edit Images Before Uploading

If you edit images in WordPress, it appears as if you have done the correct thing of resizing and cropping the image. However, the WordPress image editor is non-destructive, which means it keeps the original in the Media Library and creates a duplicate for the newly edited version. Instead, try one of the following software to reduce the image size:

Choose a resolution of 72ppi (pixels per inch). Reduce any images larger than 1200px; for a full-width stretched slideshow, use 1500px - 1900px. If the software allows, click Save for Web… to compress the image into a JPG. This process can compress a print quality image by as much as 99 percent.

Export Screen Versions of Office Documents

Programs like Word and PowerPoint have options for saving smaller versions of the original document.

ZIP Files

If you have a large number of files that people may want to access altogether, you can bundle and compress them into a single ZIP file for additional storage saving.

Off-Site Storage

For sites with truly massive storage needs, it may be necessary to keep files on another web server and link to them. When inserting an image or linking to a document, rather than browsing the Media Library, you would just enter the URL of the file on the other server. If you require this setup, contact webdev@uconn.edu about obtaining an account.

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