Header Widget Area

A maximum of 2 widgets can be added to the right side of your header by going to Appearance > Widgets and adding widgets to the section labeled Header Content.

The maximum height of the section is 76px. Any content taller than 76px will be cut off.

All widgets are automatically floated to the right, so the first widget will always be to the far right and the second will stack to the left of it.

**Images and logos are not permitted in the header widget area as per UConn branding guidelines

If you are using only 1 widget in the header, you have an available space of 565px x 76px available to work with.

If you are using 2 widgets in the header, you have an available space of 282px x 76px available to work with.

By default, the site search disappears from the header once a widget is added. If you would like to keep the search on your site you can add a Search Widget to the Header Content widget area to bring it back.