Checking Voicemail Messages

Checking Voicemail Messages

Faculty and staff can access their voicemail to listen to their voicemail messages. 

From Your Office Phone

  1. Dial the voicemail access number. 

    1. Storrs: 65555 

      1. VoIP Users: 65555

    2. Hartford: 03555

    3. Stamford: 19595

    4. Waterbury: 69888

2. Enter your PIN followed by the # key, when prompted.

a. Press 1 to listen to new messages.

b. Press 2 to send a message.

c. Press 3 to review old messages.

d. Press 4 to access Setup Options


When Out of the Office

  1. Dial the off-campus voicemail access number.

    1. Off-campus Storrs: 860-486-5555.

    2. Off-campus Hartford: 959-200-3555

    3. Off-Campus Stamford: 203-251-9595

    4. Off-Campus Waterbury: 203-236-9888

  2. When voicemail answers, press the * key. The system does not prompt you to press the * key, but you must press it to access your mailbox.

  3. Enter your mailbox ID, which is your 5-digit extension, followed by the # sign.

  4. Enter your PIN followed by the # sign.

When you are calling the off-campus voicemail access number, there may be toll charges depending on where you live.

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