Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Virtual Private Networking (VPN) software creates a secure, encrypted connection between your off-campus computing device (laptop, phone, or tablet) and the campus network. Members of UConn can use the AnyConnect VPN if they are off-campus and need secure access to university-hosted resources. AnyConnect is an industry leading and widely used VPN service. Please reference our guide for getting set up with Cisco AnyConnect VPN.

The previous UConn VPN service, Pulse Secure, has been retired. It is recommended that you uninstall it from your devices.

About Cisco AnyConnect

Cisco AnyConnect provides split-tunnel access to the UConn network. It can be used on personally-owned or university-managed devices. All active affiliates (current students, staff, and faculty) have access to the AnyConnect VPN.

We provide official support for:

  • Windows 10 and 11 64-bit

  • macOS 12 (Ventura) and newer

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 - x64

  • iOS and iPadOS 16 and newer

The AnyConnect VPN can be used on other platforms, but UConn ITS does not provide technical support for these platforms in the event that your VPN connection is not working:

  • Android

  • iOS 13-15

  • Windows ARM & 32-bit (x86)

  • 32 and 64-bit Linux via OpenConnect

  • Mac OS X versions 10.14 and older

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