Set Up Cisco AnyConnect VPN

Cisco AnyConnect VPN provides active staff, faculty, and students split-tunnel access to the UConn network. University members can download and install the VPN on their computers.

If you are on a UConn-owned computer, you may already have the VPN installed. If not, you can download and install it from Company Portal on Windows or Self Service on macOS. These are app stores that are built into UConn computers that host many common programs used at the university.

Step 1: Download AnyConnect

  1. Navigate to

  2. Select General-VPN in the “Group” dropdown. If you know you should be accessing a different realm, you can select that one here.

    1. For more information on the available VPN Realms, see Cisco AnyConnect VPN Realms.

      select general vpn
  3. Click Logon and then sign in using your NetID credentials.

  4. Select the Download button. Make sure that it matches your operating system (Windows, Windows on ARM, macOS, etc.).

    download for your operating system
  5. Click the Instructions button at the bottom right to review the process for installing and starting the client for the first time. 

Step 2: Install AnyConnect

This is a one-time process done the first time that you need to access the VPN.


You must have the ability to install software on your computer. If you do not have the ability to install software with elevated permissions, you will not be able to complete the installation process. 

  1. Find and execute the Installer. In many cases, the file automatically downloads to your Downloads folder. Once you locate the installer, double-click on it to start the installation.

  2. Click Next > to continue the installation.

  3. Select I accept the terms in the License Agreement, and click Next >.

  4. Click Install to begin the installation.

  5. A confirmation screen will appear. It will look similar to the picture below. Click Yes to continue.

  6. Click Finish to complete the installation.


  1. After downloading the macOS installer, locate and open the installer package.


  2. Double-click on the AnyConnect.pkg package to start the installation process.

  3. Click Continue on the first screen of the Installer.


  4. Accept the License Agreement by clicking Agree.


  5. If you are on a UConn-owned Mac computer, you may need to self-elevate your permissions before continuing. Follow the instructions here before continuing: Request Administrator Rights on macOS

    1. If you are on a personally-owned computer, you can skip to the next step.

  6. Click Install.

  7. Enter your Mac admin credentials.


  8. You will see a green checkmark when the installation is complete. Click Close to close the installer.

  9. After completing the installation, you may receive an Attention Required message regarding System Extensions for AnyConnect. You must open Preferences, and Allow the Cisco AnyConnect Socket Filter.

  10. Navigate to Security & Privacy. Click the lock to allow changes, and enter your password. Then, click Allow.

  11. You will receive one more pop-up asking if the Cisco AnyConnect Socket Filter has permission to filter network content. Click Allow.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

You must have sudo access to use the command line. If you do not have access or are not comfortable with the command line, have your local area support provide assistance.

  1. After selecting Download, you will be presented with a window asking what Firefox should do with the file. Choose Save File, and click OK.

    1. Make note of where you save the file and what the exact file name is. You will need this later.

  2. Open a terminal window.

  3. Run the following command.
    sudo bash Downloads/

    1. This assumes you saved the file in the Downloads folder and that the file name is This filename may change as updates to the software are installed.

Step 3: Connect to AnyConnect

These steps must be completed each time you want to use the VPN.


  1. Press Start by using your keyboard or selecting the Start button on your taskbar, and then type AnyConnect. Select the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client. Click Connect if the VPN box says UConn General VPN.

    1. If it does not say UConn General VPN, enter “” in the text window.

  2. You will be prompted to enter your NetID and Password. Enter your credentials, and click OK. You will receive a DUO 2FA push that you will have to approve to continue logging in.


  3. At this point, you will be connected to the UConn AnyConnect VPN. All of your non-UConn destined traffic will be sent through your ISP as if you were not connected to the VPN at all; anything that is destined for the UConn Network will automatically be sent through the VPN connection. If you double-click on the AnyConnect client while connected, you can check how much time remains before you must reconnect.


  1. To start AnyConnect, open the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client.

  2. If the text box is empty, enter and then select Connect.

  3. Log in using your NetID and password. Accept the Duo 2FA push that was sent to your phone.

  4. You are now connected to the UConn AnyConnect VPN. Any non-UConn traffic will not be sent through the VPN. Only traffic that requires the VPN will be sent through the VPN (ex. remote desktop, Jabber VoIP).

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