Windows - Troubleshooting AnyConnect

Windows - Troubleshooting AnyConnect

This article is intended to assist with troubleshooting the various issues that may occur with AnyConnect on Windows. This page will be updated if new issues arise.

Error Message: "The VPN connection failed due to unsuccessful domain name resolution."

This error occurs when there is a mismatch between addresses in .XML files that AnyConnect references. Erasing these files (which will be automatically re-created) will resolve this issue.

  1. If the AnyConnect client is currently open, close it.

  2. You also need to ensure that AnyConnect is not running in the background. If the AnyConnect icon is in the bottom-right of your taskbar, right-click and choose Close.

  3. Navigate to the following folder in Windows Explorer - C:\ProgramData\Cisco\Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client\.

  4. Delete the file named preferences_global.xml.

  5. Navigate to the following folder in Windows Explorer - C:\ProgramData\Cisco\Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client\Profile.

  6. Delete any files that end in .XML.

  7. If this is a University-Owned device:

    1. Navigate to the following folder in Windows Explorer - C:\Users\NetID\AppData\Local\Cisco\AnyConnect\, replacing NetID with your actual NetID (e.g. C:\Users\zar19007\AppData\Local\Cisco\AnyConnect\)

  8. If this is a Personal device:

    1. Navigate to the following folder in Windows Explorer - C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Cisco\AnyConnect\, replacing Username with the username you use to sign in to the PC.

  9. Delete the file named preferences.xml.

  10. Once you have done that, re-open AnyConnect and type in “anyconnect.uconn.edu/split.”

  11. Click Connect.

Unable to Type in AnyConnect Address Bar

Occasionally some users may need to switch to another AnyConnect Realm; however, upon attempting to type the new URL, the AnyConnect client does not allow it. Resolving this issue requires erasing a couple of files.

  1. If the AnyConnect client is currently open, close it.

  2. You'll also need to ensure that AnyConnect is not running in the background. If the AnyConnect icon is in the bottom-right of your taskbar, right-click and choose Close.

  3. Navigate to the following folder in Windows Explorer - C:\ProgramData\Cisco\Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client\Profile

  4. Once there, delete any files that end in .XML.

  5. Once you have done that, re-open AnyConnect, type in the URL of the Realm you are looking to connect to, and click Connect.

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