Downloading and Installing Respondus 4.0

This documentation is for instructors using Respondus 4.0 to either upload or download tests from HuskyCT. Please note that the installation instructors differ for PC and Mac users. 

Installing Respondus 4.0 on a PC

These instructions are for PC users only. Mac users should refer to the instructions for Installing Respondus 4.0 on a Mac below these instructions.

  1. Go to to download Respondus 4.0. Confirm your eligibility to download Respondus, agree to the Respondus Licensing Agreement, and click Download Respondus to proceed. If prompted, select "Save File As" and save the download to your desktop or local computer.

  2. If the file does not automatically open, locate the downloaded file on your computer, and right-click on the file. Select RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR. The file may take a few minutes to decompress, but the installation will start automatically.

    Run as Administrator Option for Respondus 4.0
  3. You will encounter a few dialogue boxes asking you to set up the language and accept the Respondus 4.0 license agreement. For each of these boxes, select Next. For the box requiring you to choose an LMS, select Blackboard on the dropdown.

    Choose LMS Personality Dialogue Box with Blackboard Selected
  4. If you would like to install the Equation Editor, select Yes. If you would like to skip this step, select No. (For most uses cases for Respondus, the Equation Editor is not necessary. For more information about the Equation Editor, refer to the Respondus 4.0 user guide available on the Respondus website).

  5. Upon installation, you will be prompted to enter an institution name, a local support contact, and a license password, all of which can be found on the Respondus Licensing Information File (click to access). If the license box does not immediately appear, you can open Respondus 4.0 on your computer to enter this information.

Installing Respondus 4.0 on a Mac

While Respondus 4.0 is designed to only run on Windows machines, it is available to Mac users through UConn Anyware. When run through Anyware, Mac users can use Respondus 4.0 in the same way PC users can. To do so, Mac users must first set up Anyware by installing the Citrix Receiver. Visit the Anyware Desktop - First Time Set-Up & How to Access page for instructions on that process. Once that initial step is completed, Mac users can continue to follow the steps below to use Respondus 4.0. 

  1. Log in to UConn Anyware and select the Anyware Desktop app and select Apps.

  2. Select the Respondus 4.0 application and click Open.

  3. Upon opening Respondus 4.0, you will encounter a dialogue box indicating that Respondus 4.0 needs an update. Click OK.

  4. Next, click Get Update.

  5. Lastly, for the final box asking for admin credentials, exit out of the box without entering any credentials. While it initially appears that admin credentials are necessary for the update, they are not necessary to use the Respondus 4.0 App.

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