Building Content in Perusall

This article is intended for instructors looking to add content to a Perusall course.

This article assumes you have already set up Perusall for your course.

Adding Content to Perusall

  1. Navigate to Perusall through your HuskyCT course site.

  2. On your Perusall course page, click the Library tab .

    Shows the the four tabs on the Perusall Course Home, with the seocnd tab, Library, boxed.
  3. From here you can add content by either clicking the green button titled Add Content in the upper right corner or by clicking the Add Content option shown at the top of the library.

    Shows the content in a Perusall Library, with the top option, Add Content, boxed
  4. Select the content you want to build.

Content Types in Perusall

Perusall supports many different types of course content and allows for organization through a system of folders.

This allows instructions to add links to books for their course that are available through Perusall.

This allows instructors to include a screenshot from a webpage in their course.

  • Students will be able to annotate on the webpage as if it were a picture.

  • Students may be able to interact with some web content and may be able to navigate to links found on the website

  • Websites behind paywalls or authentication may not always render properly, so it is best to test the content before assigning it to students.

This allows instructors to include a share link to a document stored on their Dropbox.

  • This will only work with links from Dropbox – not Google Drive or OneDrive.

  • Ensure the link is active and will be accessible to students who may not have a Dropbox account.

  • If the file is stored on another cloud platform, consider downloading the file and adding it as a document.

This allows instructors to attach a file from their local computer. This is similar to a File in HuskyCT.

  • If the text structure is detectable, students will be able to annotate with the text. Otherwise, they will annotate as if the document were a picture.

  • Perusall only supports Microsoft Office 2007 and later files, PDF files, ebooks, and source code files.

    • Older Microsoft Office files, such as *.doc, *.xls, and *.ppt, are not supported.

  • For easy access and to best preserve formatting, it is recommended to use PDF files.

This allows instructors to import or copy materials from another Perusall course. To copy materials, you must either be listed as an instructor in both courses or have a copy code for the other course.

Contact Educational Technologies at or by phone at (860) 486-5052 for more information.

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