Creating Assignments in Perusall

This page is intended for instructors looking to create assignments within Perusall and link to those assignments within the HuskyCT.

This article assumes you already have setup Perusall and added content to your Perusall course.

Creating Assignments

This is used to create assignments where the entire class annotates or reviews the same content.

  1. Navigate to your Perusall Course.

  2. Click Course Home, and click Assignments.

    Shows the Perusall Course Home with the Assignments tab selected
  3. On the Assignments Tab, select Add Assignment in the upper right-hand corner.

    Shows the Assignments page with the Add Assignment button boxed
  4. On the new window, you will see a list of assignment options.

    1. On the Content tab, select the content you want to assign by clicking the drop-down menu next to Content to Assign, and then click Next Step.

    2. On the Options tab, enter the assignment name, due date, instructions, and availability, and then click Next Step.

    3. On the Scoring tab, select either Use Course Scoring (to use the course-wide grading scheme) or Use Specific Custom Scoring Setting, and then click Save Changes.

  5. The assignment will now appear in Perusall. Now, you will need to create a link in HuskyCT for your students to access it.

Creating Differentiated Assignments

For this feature to work all of the items must be in a single folder in Perusall.

This allows instructors to assign different readings to different students with all of the scores being reflected in one Grade Center Column.

  1. Navigate to your Perusall Course.

  2. Click Course Home, and click Assignments.

  3. On the Assignment tab, click the small arrow next to Add Assignment, and click Add Differentiated Assignment.

  4. On the new window, you will see a list of assignment options.

    1. On the Content tab, select the folder containing the items you want students to annotate. A list of the items in the folder will appear, and next to the item, you can enter the names of the students to assign to a particular item. Then, click Next Step.

    2. On the Options tab, enter the assignment name, due date, and availability, and then click Next Step.

    3. On the Scoring tab, select either Use Course Scoring (to use the course-wide grading scheme) or Use Specific Custom Scoring Setting, and then click Save Changes.

  5. The assignment will now appear in Perusall. Now, you will need to create a link in HuskyCT for your students to access it.

Creating a Tool link to an Assignment

For LTI Version 1.3, you no longer need to create Assignment Links. Students can simply access the Assignments via the main Perusall link in the course.


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