Manage Access to Shared Items in 365

Manage Access to Shared Items in 365

Once an item (file, folder, app, etc.) has been shared with others, access can be edited or revoked at any time by managing the permissions. Removing access will prevent users from opening items previously shared with them.

Change access

These steps can be followed on all computers. This guide will show instructions for OneDrive and SharePoint, but the 'Manage Access” settings are identical for all 365 apps.

  1. Find the item (file or folder) you would like to share.

    1. If you are in Windows, open File Explorer and navigate to the item.

    2. If you are in macOS, open Finder and navigate to the item.

    3. If you are in a web browser, visit s.uconn.edu/onedrive or s.uconn.edu/sharepoint and sign in with your UConn email and NetID password. Navigate to the item you wish to share.

  2. Right-click on the file and then click Manage access.

  3. In the popup window, you will see everyone who has access to the item.

  4. In the list of people, click on person you would like to edit the permissions of.
    Alternatively, you may click on Stop sharing at the top to revoke access to everyone at once.

  5. Once you are viewing the person you would like to edit, click on Direct Access: [current permission level] to expand the description of their permission level.
    Click on their permission level to alter it. If needed, click on Remove direct access to revoke the share entirely.

  6. Click Apply when you are done.

Animated Instructions

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