CyberArk Vendor Remote Access Registration and Setup

This article is intended for UConn employees looking to set up access for a vendor to securely access a server or workstation on UConn’s network using CyberArk Alero.

To get started, create a ticket and include the below information. UConn ITS will create the account and send an email invitation to the vendor along with instructions on how to access CyberArk.

Information about the system being accessed (provided by UConn employee)

  • The server(s) or workstation(s) the vendor will be accessing:

  • General location of the server(s) or workstation(s) (building/room or datacenter):

  • Will the vendor require administrator access?

  • NetID of the UConn employee who is the primary contact for the vendor:

  • Short description of the reason for access:

  • Date range of access:

Default is 90 days of access from date of account creation. If you require more or less, please specify. If access is needed for longer than 1 year, it will need to be renewed yearly.

Access Times (optional)

You can also specify the days/times of the week the vendor can access it. Default: 24/7 access.


Vendor Information (provided by the vendor)

Feel free to copy the form below and email it to the vendor for them to fill out for you. Include this information in the ticket.

Vendor Info

Company name:

First name:

Last name:

Company email:

Smartphone number*:

*Note: Must be a smartphone number with access to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store to download the CyberArk Mobile app



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